Lady the hiring committee recommended:
Lady the hiring committee recommended:
Why don’t you google, “men get richer after divorce,” there are thousands of articles and studies going back 40 years showing that men get richer through divorce while women get poorer. “Divorce makes men - and particularly fathers - significantly richer. When a father separates from the mother of his children,…
I am fast coming to the conclusion that it’s not just that women are disregarded and disrespected, I think we are actively hated and this reveals itself through the legal system over and over.
Personally, I’ll pay for two with an occasional third. Recently I added HBO Now for GOT. In a month or two when that’s over and I’ve caught up on VEEP and True Detective and watched a few movies, I’ll cancel. I did the same thing with Starz for S1 of American Gods (no real interest in S2 without Fuller/Green at the…
You know, as a designer myself, I was at first thrilled to see this headline. How cool that someone not in the field even noticed! But it’s just a boring, thinly veiled hit piece on a longshot candidate based on... what, exactly? The fact that Buttigeig doesn’t have policy ready years in advance? That he thought…
Am I the only one that has no real problem with a candidate lacking policy specifics in April 2019?
Honestly, I can’t help but notice that you seem to have some really negative opinions formed about Buttigieg. It makes this analysis feel less like an actual examination of his branding, and more like just a snarky attempt at a take down piece. I mean this with respect, but it’s a little difficult to engage you as a…
He was absolutely tacky. And we’ve all been there. But to call this an “assault” diminishes assault and removes agency from women. (Not arguing at you - just thinking out loud!)
Just here for the comments:
It always has been. Men condescend disproportionately to women. Now that young women are, on average, more educated than men, and men are still explaining stuff we already know to us on a regular basis, this is getting named and called out.
Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.
Pressly has her moments, but something about the way Faris can portray the exact sound of the wind between her ears is friggin magical to me. It takes true intelligence to act so blessedly stupid and I want to meet her. And maybe pet her head.
Once this election is over, I hope someone will do a study to find out how much depression, suicide, and substance abuse has gone up as a result of all this madness.