Ellsworth 2e

The Happy Birthday Dr. Rumak and family and friends Thread

First they came for the book stores, and I did not speak out—

I just imagined this and died inside, so thanks for that. The worst part is how plausible it is.

Important note: it wasn’t a raccoon that Courtney Portnoy pulled a gun on, it was a badger. Because he was badgering them.

Worst episode of the season and probably the worst one since s2 began. It’s like they wanted another special episode, but were all out of ideas, so they picked two hot topics and mixed them together, a lot of the jokes (men thinking for women) were already used multiple times in both assault and abortion episodes and

Protip: dogs are enjoyed as both companions and food in many places across the globe, China included. It was stupid and shitty of him to suggest that someone would dognap his pet and eat it, but let’s not pretend that acknowledging dogs as food is racist.

BoJack is aware that his behavior hurts the people he cares about, and he feels guilty that they suffer as a result, and he’s finally working up the nerve to try and change that behavior. Part of his self-loathing feedback loop, and also his motivation for trying to break out of those destructive patterns, is that

She was straight-up emotionally abusive. And, in that cigarette scene, physically abusive.

Also I can’t wait for tomorrow’s (ep 6's) review cause I need to talk to somebody, anybody about it.

It was the season’s obligatory Very Special Episode, and it absolutely felt like that, it didn’t really deal with the issue with the same intelligence the other topical episodes did. And I’m a feminist who definitely thinks gun control is a good thing, but I think their argument at the end was a bit stupid. Like I

I’ve heard of “giving the dog a bone”, but this is ridiculous!

south park takes a firm stance on issues all the time. gentrification, homophobia, the way social media changes people’s behavior. they did an episode about how fucked up it is that people fly the confederate flag. they did an episode on angry anti-immigrant people and it wasn’t exactly complimentary. they dedicated a

Because that’s her past, not her present. She has a whole journey from being trapped in an abusive relationship with the Joker to breaking free of it and becoming her own independent woman. io9 just covered it here:

Maybe “recognizable names” is overrated if you want someone who is actually qualified to hold office.

Wow, these instructions illustrate just how difficult it is to use Kinja:

Another great piece, Mr. O’Neal!

Anyone else remember the pilot of The Lone Gunman?

Great article! The way the different shows handled 9/11 reminded me of the different ways people in my orbit handled it. I knew 2 people that died in the towers, not close but I did interact with them due to work. Other people in my orbit cried, some raged, some were reflective and then there was some that didn’t know

Great article, Sean. It’s something I’d never thought about, but once you lay it out, the connecting thread really does shine through.