Ellsworth 2e

As the article notes, it’s bound to be a lot cheaper. Walmart didn’t get where it is by coasting on inherent appeal.

The threat of human obsolescence can’t be overstated, but focusing on nomenclature is a very odd approach. This is not a cultural diversity issue. This is simply us vs them, and “us” needs to include every facet of humanity.

The tragic flaw of this show is its blind spot on inequality. Very much a limousine liberal perspective.

Dave Chappelle made a point very similar to this episode’s in his recent netflix special.

I agree, to the extent that vengeance doesn’t justify anything. Cruelty is still cruelty. But I don’t think Bea should be rewarded for her behavior either.

Seems like the episode itself presented some nuance on the issue, moreso than the abortion episode did, but I agree that it’s not worth getting into.

Agreed. For every thoughtful show like the ones in this article, there have been dozens going the other way. Of particular note, I think, are shows intended for kids. They don’t even try to help with understanding the adult world, instead they’d rather pretend it doesn’t exist. Which is fine, right up until the moment

Cool, but in 25 years one might reasonably hope for a bit more.

That’s very important but so is winning. It’s hard to come up with a viable candidate when your party is shut out of statewide office and barely has anyone in congress. Address gerrymandering and the latter issue might improve but the former issue has nothing to do with that. What we’ve been doing, in terms of policy

Kinja doesn’t even keep track of my Kinja account’s posts. The history is still empty, it says I haven’t done anything.

Maybe. If Cordray doesn’t run, our side is short on recognizable names.

What if you had two, because disqus temporarily killed one of them?

“I can smell a pig from a mile away”

What’s this about playing by her own rules? She’s practically a hostage. She made the Joker creepier because no other villain was shown dominating another person to this extent. In the panels above, Harley endures continued psychological abuse but still pines for Joker on her birthday. I cannot understand why anyone

I told him he wasn’t hot enough to play me. He took it well.

Jerry Springer is gearing up to run for Ohio governor. Does that fit the profile?

That’s my point though, you can’t steer clear because the text shows up on the main page. Oh well. It is pretty old as spoilers go. But I still like my “while it’s still on” rule.

Testing... fixed my username, got my picture up, feeling closer to normal here.

I know a lot of people who still haven’t jumped in but might. Some may be waiting to see if fans are happy with the ending, after what happened with LOST. As a general rule, I think “while it’s still on” is a reasonable quarantine period for blatant spoilers. This one appears on the main page, which screws the “I

How does that work? Are there bribes involved? This is a lot less fun when it takes hours for my posts to show up.