Ellsworth 2e

At this point, every Ohio insult = 3 Trump votes. If you're insulting Cleveland, the liberal bastion of the state, the exchange rate is probably closer to 5.

Decency shouldn't need to justify itself.

Scorn is all we've gotten for a generation. Based on current events, you might want to consider a different approach. But here you go smearing shit in our face again. There's 11 million of us, roughly half of whom are liberal. We're your friends and we can help, politically. Whatever sick joy you get from attacking

Under current policy Cleveland gets the RRHOF ceremony every third year, along with a fun-size candy bar and a certificate of participation.

Gotta start somewhere.

Because as far as New York is concerned, Ohio is beneath Guatemala.

Eat shit!

Are you kidding? Those people make me sick. They take communion BEFORE sex with raw chicken, rather than after. Batman save their souls.

In my world, "worship" and "intellectual property of Disney" do not mix.

There were two major casulties: AMC and the City of Detroit.

There's a degree of truth to it.

I tried it again recently and ended up liking it.

He spoke more favorably toward universal health care than Clinton did. That's all it took. His "income contingent" proposal is detailed and is more favorable than the current one. Free college going forward does nothing for the millions of voters already burdened by loans. Trump's approach focused on them, and it

Trade, universal health care, student loans. Trade was the big one.

It often works that way, yes. My state has an FDR type senator but went for Trump. And it went for Obama twice while being dominated by Republicans at the state level.

A realist would say universal health care is inevitable. Unfortunately, in addition to being what a realist would say, that's also what Trump said. So we had a Democrat saying fantasy and a Republican saying inevitable. But… we're supposed to be the left wing.

I meant in the campaign. Of course his appointments make clear where he really stands. But in the campaign, she wrote off a lot of her base while he focused on them. And he espoused leftist positions on trade, student loans, even health care.

Unaware? I was there! As were most of us. But that was then and this is now. The health care plan she advocated in 2016 is basically what the Republicans offered against hers in the 90s.

Can't figure out why they chose that one, when Cohen had a perfect song for current events called "Everybody Knows"

Thank you! It's not bad, at all, but somewhere along the line it got a promotion it wasn't really qualified for.