NASA has accidentally built the lunar model smaller than they intended...
NASA has accidentally built the lunar model smaller than they intended...
Looks like something $kaycog would drop for Comment of the Day back in the day.
Manual transmissions are akin to horseback riding. A fantastic exercise for enthusiasts, but almost entirely outdated for the real world. Although rowing your own gears is definitely cheaper that racing your own horse...or just owning a horse.
If the converter is applied properly it actually converts the rust to a stable material and it will not spread. Obviously you’d rather not have any rust to begin with but this shouldn’t present an actual safety issue.
‘“It was the single driving factor in my beginning stages of hatred for the company that I had spent the previous year and a half falling in love with,” an outbound team lead told FT.’
The Veyron never was a looker, but my, that design has not aged well. The interior is fine, but the exterior, and especially the wheels, do not look like a million bucks.
“An analyst at Wells Fargo said that...”
I’m fortunate to live in a country where that doesn’t happen and you are correct. My friend installs gigabit fiber in central, rural Finland. Installation cost look a bit too high?. No problem, lay the fiber yourself and they’ll hook it up for you (on your own land, of course).
Goddamn. This show is unkillable - this is, what, the fourth or fifth time it’s been ended just to come back? It makes Family Guy look like a chump for merely surviving double-cancellation.
However, the past two years have been unprecedented for the hospitality industry
He is gonna make people miss Deblasio and Bloomberg. Hes gonna be that f*ckin bad, i think.
I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that NYC’s latest savior is a self-righteous, judgmental prick, in addition to being as self-serving and corrupt as any other NYC politician.
Medical devices are one of the most regulated fields of engineering with an inherent conservativism towards change because they either treat or diagnose disease. Over engineering is great but the last last last thing a medical device engineer would do is removea part because its fine on paper.
Actually, I think he is an idiot. The two are easily confused.
The show just seemed to get more extreme and mean spirited as it went on. I was a huge huge fan of the comic strip and liked the first season, but then it seemed to run into the same sort of issue that Ren and Stimpy got into on its revival - the absolute freedom to do whatever you want actually worked against the…
Season 3 seemed to forget that Riley was a satire of homophobic attitudes, and instead just seemed to embrace the “lol, no homo” sentiment a lot of comedies had in the mid and late aughts (like Family Guy or countless Seth Rogen movies).
Moderately upset that this is at least the third Amazon article this week where I have to defend them. I get that since Herb killed Splinter there really hasn’t been much of an outlet for stuff related to Labor, where Amazon are absolute monsters. But from a technological side a lot of the shit that’s been “OMG you’ll…
So, you guys who know me will know I’m not trolling or anything here; this is an honest concern about something I maybe don’t understand.
Its a dying site