
You forgot the AoT creed:

I miss when Anime was easy, ‘cause you just watched anything Trigger made.

Not interested in Virtue shaming Activision *again.* It’s almost like the very clear statement he made internally back in Nov got leaked and he got slapped for it.

We just going to ignore that part because it doesn’t generate clickbait headlines?

It’s Mizuno, I’m genuinely disappointed there isn’t a golf-shoe version of this.

The last time I tried to 100% complete a game was in Assassins Creed 2.

Everyone just caught the extremely contagious ‘Ubisoft-Minimap-Icon-Pollution’ disease. There’s only half a dozen different kinds of buttons in this Skinner Box, but they filled the entire box up with them to make it look like they tried really hard.

500+ hours of content, maybe 10 actual hours of good ideas and decent gameplay.

The only kind of person who says something like ‘As a Psychology Major...’ is the kind of person who’s still in fucking school getting a degree.

TSLA is bragging about how they can use incorrectly spec’d chips and cover it up with code.

I’m sure nothing will go wrong >.>

My monthly-ish dinners with my brother’s family were held at one for a few years, because it was ‘kid friendly’ and damn near the exact center between where we were living at the time.

I ended up making a deal with him to let me pay for the difference at a much better place that was closer to him. The fact that the

More people should call BB out on his shit. The editors CLEARLY don’t give a fuck anymore, and he’s one of the more toxic ‘contributors’ still here.

Just going to troll the deeper threads because it’s HILARIOUS how butthurt someone who writes under the site’s byline is getting.

I remember when this place knew what a fucking editor looked like.

BB is *NOT* a fucking adult. His skin is so thin I’m genuinely surprised it still holds the blood in.

You can try to pretend like WWE-With-Wheels is ‘interesting’ but all most of the world sees is about a dozen white trash Legacy racing teams running boring cars in the same fucking circles every year. Sure, I guess we could talk about something like aggressive toe angles on the inside tires, or how much cheating you

Integrated booster seats are an additional cost to every purchaser of the vehicle so that a tiny fraction of people can save 300-400$ instead of purchasing a strictly superior car restraint, and they mean that your seats SUCK for normal humans.

It isn’t one hundred percent the Land Rover’s fault

That’s the thing about Physics, it’s a pretty reliable idea. Miatas and Vettes don’t typically flip over at roundabout speed, BroDozers and Chelsea Tractors do. If you ran a Vette into the back of a Yaris like that, odds are it wouldn’t leave the ground. The Rover literally just crawled up the rear quarter panel.


The FAA should have taken a position on refusing re-certification of leaded engines a long time ago. Set a 10-15 year sunset on the stuff, and just turn the same deaf ear to the whining from the community that they’ve done for the better part of the last 2 decades. They’ve kicked the can down the road for 30 years, so

I don’t know many people still self-funding their GA hobby unless they have piles of money. Sure, back in the 70s and 80s, my blue-collar construction worker grand-da could afford to keep a succession of Cessnas in the air, but ‘Modern’ GA is hilariously pricey.

My coworker finally let his Hanger space go last year

It’s like people don’t realize that this is a Jennifer Aniston flavored version of Succession.

You’re not *supposed* to root for anyone, they’re all majorly flawed human beings making terrible decisions repeatedly.