
Given the ‘career’ car sales guys I’ve known over the last 20-some-odd years of adult life, I can’t say that there’s any real great loss here.

The closer buying a new car comes to pushing a button on a vending machine, the better it is for *everyone* - other than the dealer trying to gouge upsells.

much like your hopes and dreams, Darkplates are dead

Incredibly racist society spawns Nazi Pop Culture Fetish.

News at 11.

To be fair, many people have suggested splitting up California to better represent the interests of different regions of the state.

Democrats would still end up with like, 80% of the wealth of the state. 

French fries and a Frosty? Sure, why don’t I just announce to the whole world that I’ll never own a home.

MS is also poised to more effectively leverage available fab capacity if/when it opens up.

Let’s see how loud Sony wants to talk when there are Xboxes flying off the shelf and they can’t even confirm the next delivery of the PS5...

If you have to devote 2 weeks of your life to finding (not even buying, just *FINDING*) a retail consumer good, it’s not a good sign for the ability of your product to reach the hundreds of millions of users this idiot in the article is talking about.

It’s been significantly easier to buy high end PC gear in the last

Anyone who’s been a fan of Sony hardware in the last (checks watch, Jesus) ~35 years knows two things:

I think this would sell reasonably well at like, $15-18k.

Of course I expect it to be labelled like $25k, and Buell’s ‘revival’ will be short lived.

I remember when Silverman was ‘good’ because she was ‘edgy.’ It was basically Dane Cook’s spiel, but coming from a *woman*!

It was a looooooooooong time ago. Gotta desperately try to stay relevant as a rapidly aging, unfunny actress, I guess.

Interspecies Reviewers set a brand new frontier - the line between Ecci and straight-up-porn has never been fuzzier!

The studios doing Takt op are interesting, but the one sentence intro kills my interest.

Any particular reason we’re not simmering the pumpkin and then straining it along with the milk mixture? You’d get the benefits of infusing the pumpkin flavor, *AND* you’d have a single step to remove the fibers/chunks that come from using higher-grade pumpkin.

Regardless, likely making this for my Halloween party, it l

Influencers? FOMO? Doing something just so other people can see you doing it?

Hard pass.

Pro tip:


This whole debate is comparing apples and oranges. You cannot accurate compare fatter pipelines and faster clock speeds without an actual workload-based benchmark to see what the real-world throughput of your platform is, especially when you’re talking about a cohesive architecture that depends on compute AND io


I’m not even going to delve into how dumb 8k content is for home consumption in general.

Can we just talk about how absurd it is to make a claim like this with a game that looks like you down-rezzed an early minecraft build? OMG, guys, look at the performance of my Hello World, it really scorches the charts...

The Return address may be China, but the Amazon support level you deal with is all First-party stuff. Warehouse Deals is pretty explicitly Amazon-proper, regardless of what goes on in the backend.

It’s a 3rd party using the storefront, not Amazon proper.