
Honestly? You just sound really, really out of touch in these comments. Everybody in the hobby, users and developers alike, are moving towards FPGA.

Complaints about the Electrification of things would be easier to stomach if they hadn’t spent the last decade stapling AMG to the ass of anything that moved. It became a bougie trim package a long time ago.

It was called ‘bartender’s ketchup’ because for a long time, it was dumped on everything whether it was necessary or not. :p

It’s entertaining you suggest using it in non-bourbon/rye drinks, because other than “Brunchy” stuff, I seem to use it the most in Brown Liquor cocktails.

I respect your Vermouth game. I stock 3-4 sweets and a dry, and that’s about all I can handle without them going off before I get through them.

More people should have multiple vermouth options.

-Don’t keep syrups on your bar cart

- Multiple Bitters. Give that lonely bottle of Ango some friends, and I’m not talking about a novelty bottle of Peychauds. Try some Black Walnut or Chocolate, or go even more nuts and find a small-batch producer (h/t Cocktail Punk in Boulder, CO.)
- Same goes for syrups. If you know how to make and bottle Rock Candy

One of the nicest Kobra’s I’ve ever touched had an Ecoboost in the front.

It was a blast to drive, and it *piiiiiissssssseeeeeeed* off the right kind of boomer at the car show.

If you ever have dreams of owning a Viper, sooner is better than later. They’re never coming back in volume of any kind, and the curve has bottomed out.

The *only* good thing about living in Iowa is that a kitted out shop like that costs less than what I pay for a 2 car garage.

Nice looking boat...

The benefit of having those little making-of vignettes at the end of the premieres is that you can get a little more context into the ‘why’ of a particular episode. In this case, they talk about how they had been planning to go back to Evil Morty for some time, and they needed to make sure they didn’t leave any

Not sure if I trust people that willingly sign up for a big database that has a side effect of keeping public commons photos of their residence off a particular corner of the internet.

I wonder how many of them realize all they’re really doing is creating another particularly interesting point of data about themselves.

Since you sound like someone who will appreciate the actual answer:

- Straight Delidding: Back when non-functional retro hardware was ‘cheap’ there were a number of groups who spent a ton of time with the ol’ acid bath/microscope camera routine.

“who is this made for?”

Given the tiny fraction of the market that can/will use expensive FPGA hardware, I have to assume the demand for a cartridge-compatible adapter is even smaller.

The good news is that you can make it yourself. The bad news is that a shift in focus from Software to Hardware development means that DIY is expensive and

Whether you choose Analogue or MiSTer though, playing on FPGA hardware is the future of this hobby.

Honestly, I think this is the thing that scares me the most about a pivot in the community to more dedicated hardware solutions - the cores are still based largely on work done by giants in the software emulation community, except now you can’t do real dev work yourself unless you have FPGA hardware to work on.

It’s a

By many metrics, FPGA hardware simulation surpassed software emulation a few years back.

There’s a hell of a thought - get SBUX to swap to charred garbanzo beans, and save the real coffee for the rest of the world who can tell the difference.

“Unfeasible” is an interesting choice of words, because the feasibility of production in the current model is based on hilariously low socially subsidized costs that don’t actually reflect the actual resources involved.

Double or triple the cost of coffee, and suddenly the Feasibility math looks a lot more attractive.

I’m so fucking tired of this complaint though. The issue isn’t the size of the screen, it’s that directors put so much visually confusing CGI jump-cut orgies in the final cut that unless you’re seeing it on a screen 20 feet tall, you’re never going to be able to keep track of what is going on. It’s like everyone