
‘The owners’ are the reason I blocked Deadspin’s DNS so I can’t ever get a crosslink there.

It’s weird to see how Gawker 3.0 is slowly turning into a Buzzfeed knockoff when Buzzfeed decided to just be a real media company instead.

It’s weird that so many people approach hyper-niche streaming media the same way they approached traditional broadcast 10 or 15 years ago.

Shows don’t need 10+ seasons to be ‘good.’ Tell a story, do it well, end it. I don’t need to watch the same characters pad out inferior seasons for a hundred episodes just because

The *other* problem with having a dish like that on the menu is that even if you aren’t a huge douchebag, there’s a certain point where you are almost obliged to order the most ridiculous thing on the menu just because it exists.

It’s not even gold-foil level ridiculousness - you’re just paying for ultra-premium

We did a NO Notable Bar Crawl a few years ago, and I fondly remember Tujague’s Grasshopper.

liquor and cream don’t really get a long

I’ve heard tell of surly barkeeps quipping, “Does this look like a [redacted] Baskin Robbins?”

There’s a story that’s gone around for years about a masseuse working for Google back in the very early days getting hella rich because the options blew up.

Good for the early employees of the company who hit a lotto ticket, but they aren’t going to be the ones actually making the cars anymore, and the ones who do

Why do so many people think the best way to play a game like this is on an overblown ipad.


Splitgate makes for wildly entertaining clips when half the lobby has never played a game before.

Higher skill matches are a campfest the likes of which I haven’t seen since the bad old Tribes days.

I think they’re making a deliberate reference to the opium wars between China and the US here, actually.

Honestly, with the benefit of hindsight, Honda would have been better off making the New Sports eXperience a high performance BEV

the NSX’s run as one of the most exciting hybrids ever built

I listened to years of stories about how my dad could have picked up exotic cars for pennies because they were junk at the time.

$$$ If $$$ only $$$ there $$$ were $$$ an $$$ easy $$$ explanation $$$.

She remembers one day, she was seven months pregnant with their fifth child, exhausted from chasing a toddler and preschooler while homeschooling the oldest two, and her husband started demanding sex.

A decade after “Friday,” Black has reinvented herself as one of pop’s most exciting artists

one trick pony of a bellowing Washington Heights Dominican cow.

This is why my kids 11 and 6 don’t listen to any current music

Who gives a shit if they run. You’re outdoor-parking more than half a dozen vehicles for funsies, and you voluntarily made a life decision regarding your living conditions that subjects the people in your immediate vicinity to your automotive hoarding starter kit.

Your right to live your life how you see fit, I just

People wonder why ‘enthusiasts’ have a bad rep.

My own dad was the guy on the street with a half dozen project cars parked on the lot, and it took me a couple of decades to realize that maybe focusing on one or two until they are *done* is better than the automotive Pokemon that has become too much of the culture