am I the only one who immediately saw her sitting in the corner?
am I the only one who immediately saw her sitting in the corner?
You go ahead and do that, we’ll continue to make fun of your sad corner-camping existence when we run you over.
I don’t have a problem with you using the ‘tools’ you have, I think it’s just hilarious that you need a crutch *AND STILL SUCK!*
Git gud.
- No items may be listed or sold for higher than MSRP within 6-12 months of the item’s release date. This applies to ALL ITEMS, from shoes to video game collectors editions to electronic hardware.
It can be stopped. Quite easily actually. They have absolutely no desire to.
What’s a communist flag, exactly? Something with Lenin on it maybe?
Or are you going to argue that the Hammer and Sickle motif is somehow similar in terms of hateful iconography to things like the Nazi Swastika?
French-flavored psycho-sexual body-horror?
Raw was *fantastic*! Move over, Gaspar Noé, move over!
there was also a reason why there had to be repercussions (in the form of a fine) for not having a press conference.
At this point, it’s a Wilhelm Scream.
NGL, I’m just here to watch the Musky Stans take shots at Torch.
Remember this the next time an automaker is fawning over themselves to keep the UAW in good graces...
I feel for the guys on the line doing a good job, but the other 80% of the Union is fucking them.
Binders are necessary
I’ve made it clear to my social group that I really don’t have any interest in Rogan or Bill Maher. Both of them have better analogues if I need that kind of hollow-calorie hatewatching.
You’d think that I insulted some people’s grandmothers.
Rogan is to mediocre white males what Paltrow’s Goop is to over-funded middle aged trophy wives.
Hilariously stupid, and an efficient way to weed out the kinds of people you invite to the good parties. Oh, and you quietly hope they’re going to follow some dumb advice and remove themselves from the gene pool for the…
I nearly lost my shit when I saw those cans on the screen. *AND THEN OWEN WILSON DRINKS ONE!!!*
C’mon Disney, I will schedule a trip *TODAY* to one of your overpriced disease parks if you’ll sell Josta somewhere...
if anything i’d say Europe is slightly better prepared to deal with a fuel crisis.
Ubisoft’s argument is that because there is no Single-player campaign, the setting and context of the multiplayer is irrelevant?
NGL, I feel like you’re lucky you got out of it for $200. Cool, low-volume 90's shit can have computer parts that are essentially unobtainable. I know if you have something ‘special’ you can spend a few grand to get a board fabbed, but it’s not going to be practical for something that’s ‘only’ worth $10k.
Do a PIT, lose your squad car for a month.
The un-greyed crowd from Jalop is weird - there’s quite a few bubbas that just want to talk about NASCAR and domestic shit built before 1990.
Always fun to stir them up about something stupid and watch them throw poo while they slowly die off from Diabetus and Racism.