
This is typical of IT/IS guys....you “think” you have done a good job and your firewall rules, network segmentations, NAC, etc. are going to be impervious. Until they aren’t.

Is your storage attached to the network?

I have 1600+ physical servers in Prod, and 2 sizable labs behind it. Labs should really reflect prod, so it doesn’t make sense to have a Virtual lab since we wouldn’t detect stuff like Hardware/Firmware/Driver issues until it hit prod. To be fair, it’s one of the largest single-application footprints in my Bank, but

But they would absolutely have network connections between

There is only one network. What brand of stupid are you subscribing to. I do this for a living. I am well aware of how these systems are setup.

If your PLC SCADA has *any* dependency on a system outside the air-gap, you built it wrong and you deserve to be fucked.

I begrudgingly allow reporting data to flow one way out of it, but if you have any inputs, you did it wrong.

I’m an Application owner at my day job. I have 3 separate storage architectures that are entirely dedicated to my App, and I have to deal with BCP requirements for attacks targeted at my app through the storage layer. If I found out that any other app in the place was even looking at my storage, I would shortly be on

I’m not your OP, but...

The company isn’t going to stick with *me* through ‘tough times’, why the fuck would I jeopardize my mental health to deal with a mess I’ve been screaming about for years?

If they find a qualified replacement, it just means it’s time for me to move on. Oh, and I’m willing to wager ‘qualified’

No organization this large is still running their applications on bare metal. None. Maybe you find some old unsupported application that IT is just too scared to migrate for fear of a failure and not having access to support but broadly speaking, the world has been virtualized for more than a decade.

If your accounting software and your Process Control systems use the same Storage, you deserve to go out of business.

This post paints a really bad picture without a full understanding of air-gapped SCADA control systems. When the good folks at Desktop support think they’ve found a problem, you typically don’t immediately respond by shutting down your core IT operations, and anyone who thinks that’s a Responsible course of action

I was genuinely disappointed to see TJ’s jump out in front of this dumpster fire on the wrong side, joining other such notable Socially Conscious organizations like Fucking WalMart.

I’ve spent most of the last year shouting at inconsiderate assholes who couldn’t be bothered to wear a mask in public when it was a god

Did you know all art is derivative, because The Simpsons Did It?

Thank you for your First-Day-of-Remedial-Art-Theory 101 postulate, it’s truly a novel observation!

THAT is why Bill Maher “still has a show” - because he’s not afraid of saying the truth.

My wife and her cousin were discussing this beverage yesterday after both of them decided to try it.

The conclusion was ‘Glad it’s not good, because it’s a MILLION calories.’

It’s fascinating to see Sam reliably crank out the kind of hand-wringing amplification ‘content’ that Hard-Right aggregators love to throw out during their culture war rants.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d figure he was literally angling for a ‘counterpoint’ guest spot on the network...

That’s how Conservativism happens - when you have articles of clothing that are older than entire generations, you have a different perspective on the passage of time and the importance of things.

*just* 15 years means different things when you are 20 than when you are 40 ;)

The reason for that point of view is mostly propaganda

One of my absolute utter favorite of Statham’s ‘grim little pulp pieces’ is the International release of ‘Revolver’ - a little gem he did with Andre 3000 and Ray Liotta and Guy Ritchie that got absolutely SLAMMED in the US because they fucked up the ending *just for us* for some reason. I’m obliged to say ‘In the Name

100000% would rather be alone on the street in *any* major US city at night than alone on a dirt road between two farms in the middle of nowhere.