But yeah uh... You really didn’t pay attention to how well NASCAR handled all the shit you listed... lol
But yeah uh... You really didn’t pay attention to how well NASCAR handled all the shit you listed... lol
Uh, hey, Richard?
Your entire *SPORT* is a backwards-looking joke funded largely by people who want to pretend like the olden days were both better and somehow something we can replicate today without irony.
When you decide to drag your sport out of the Confederate-flag-waving Women-hating Noose-hanging “Stock” car…
Most people in logistics contingency plan for this sort of thing.
You don’t think that the world can adapt to a few days’ shutdown of the Suez Canal?
My issue was specifically that the BT/WiFi chipset on my PC uses a combined antenna, and I don’t use WiFi, so I didn’t have the external antenna plugged in. If I moved the controller real close to my tower, or moved the work laptop that sits on top of my desk that was connected to WiFi, the hiccups immediately…
It’s not the imminent disaster he implies it to be.
I was a little surprised that they didn’t go full-tilt and electrify this sweet beach buggy, until I remembered this is Jeep, and the people who go nuts for this shit at Jeep Week every year would prefer that the world never moved past the CJ-7.
My brother inherited the Jeep fetish, not me, so I just assumed this was a FCA stock Jeep grill until I finally saw one that didn’t have it.
NGL, this single accessory says more about the kind of people that buy a brand new Wrangler in 2020-2021 than anything else.
years of perfecting the recipe
But.. but...but... Hand drawn animation is so much better! You can’t just copy/paste things like walking loops, am I rite?
that don’t quite transfer to the solely digital realm.
It’s not a crisis or becoming a crisis.
NGL the only issue I’ve had with mine in 6+ mos of *HEAVY* Warzone use is a Bluetooth issue that was solved by getting a better antenna, because I learned WiFi/BT integrated chipsets use the same one. I’m surprised to hear people have so many issues with the build quality, I’m a button/switch fanatic and this thing…
I just assumed that the majority of users of the original Elite used differential sticks (like so many pro gamers) and not just two ‘Long Boys’ so they only included one in the 2nd gen. I have *enormous* gorilla hands (I loved the original Duke!) and I use low and mid-rise caps from KontrolFreeks on top of standard…
My experience from doing white collar for a lot of factory environments is that it’s fascinating how hard you *don’t* have to work when you have organized labor protecting you, even when everything is being automated around you. I’d kill to have a Union IT gig most places. Pension? Yes please.
But you know, it’s all…
Coming together in person to collaborate and build community is core to Google’s culture
I’ve been saying for the last 6 months that businesses who expect people to just return to ‘normal’ at the office are going to quickly find their best workers moving to employers who want to both save *TONS* of money and keep their people happy, while still extracting between 3-8 hours of ‘free’ extra work from them…
No one is going to sue this guy for civil damages over a wrecked parked car!
For someone who claims she’s not actually racist, Sharon Osbourne spends a *lot* of time thinking and talking about the color of other peoples’ skin, and they behaviors she thinks they portray in context.
Remind me again why anyone decided she was worth paying to sit around and sling hot-takes at wine-moms? Holy fuck,…
This isn’t a case where a small group of fanatics are insisting on some highly personal interpretation of an issue that is not adhered to by anyone outside their cult.