

There are fewer designs from peak-Bangle that have aged as well as the boat-tail look of the back half of the pre-facelift 6. Too many GTs and Cab’s try to hide the badonk, but because of BWM’s willingness to have dat Ass, the beltline with the top down is so smooth. And I’m not just saying that because I love the

The ‘victims’ here were the hundreds of other motorists on the road with someone who is clearly so bad at driving they need a machine to do it for them, and to do it poorly as well.

There’s a world of difference between a Trail-side fix and a Road-side fix.

There’s a lot I would do to get my bike down the hill that I wouldn’t dream of putting past 30MPH on tarmac.

“I teach High School Forensic Science”

How surprised are you that someone teaching Diploma-less Cop 101 has less than appropriate ideas about how the world works?

just want to ruin any American company they can.

I’m not saying that you can’t make money on Paper.

I’m just saying that when Equities are this broken, you’re basically doing your clients a disservice if you aren’t still risk on, even if you think it’s all collapsing at, say, the end of Q2/Q3... ;)

Retirements are invested in broad diversified funds and bonds.

It’s a change of pace at least, typically it’s the Republicans with a fundamental misunderstanding of global economics. Remember when Wisconsin gave Foxconn a ton of free stuff because they said ‘sure, we’ll build a factory there!’?

This should be fun.

Remind me again why we’re celebrating nVidia’s proprietary optimizations when AMD has a history of doing the exact same thing, except taking the time to make sure it’s not just a vendor specific implementation?

If you do any amount of baking, you could also try using cake flour for your sauces and gravies.

Probably for the same reason I’d prefer Lilo and Stitch didn’t have a Pizza oven next to the Washing Machine >.>

I’d be super careful with a company like Disney pretending something that happened less than 100 years ago just didn’t exist.

I try not to shade RH fans.

But I fail.

I’m not a pilot and I cringed when I read that.

There was a U-boat in WW2 that sunk because of a toilet malfunction. The consequences can *always* be worse than the incident would typically allow.

I have to imagine the resale on these is going to be *awful.*

Can’t wait.

HD’s got some impressive engineers - do you have any idea how hard it is to make an engine appear by all external factors to be running like shit, but to not actually shake itself to pieces in less than 10k miles?

I remember when they figured out the really trick isolation mounts that let the engine vibrate visibly

I don’t think HD is making a bad ask at $18k, but I don’t know many people with the money to buy a 1250GS who would look twice at it. Make it to the second generation, or even a mid-cycle refresh and we’ll talk, but when the Bimmer is best-in-class...

Pimple Pops probably *still* more artistic value than Godfather 3.

with a glut of everything, it has added to diminish artistic value

The dude who got in bed with Netflix because they were willing to light 9 figures on fire so that he didn’t have to find a young De Niro lookalike is complaining the system that created that capital in the first place is somehow diminishing his preferred artform?

He literally opines about Kubrick’s legacy while somehow

I’m not saying traditional Cognac isn’t delicious, I’m saying that when someone uses Cognac grapes and follows a Cognac method but can’t use Limousin oak barrels that previously held Cognac or who doesn’t produce in Cognac, they are legally prohibited from labelling it Cognac, but just calling it brandy seems