
@danio3834: Reckless driving is not a victimless crime. It is a strict liability crime, and had there been a victim, the charges would have been MUCH worse.

@CABEZAGRANDE: When has an Italian automaker ever made a good business decision for the "normal guy"?

@NewSpecies: I think you are discounting how much the original XBox was an image device. MS decided they wanted a chunk of the console market, and as a result a LOT of people have a Microsoft device plugged into a TV. Everytime you see a logo, the XBox devision is doing it's job.

@BulletProofVess: Only if the gaming event is sponsored. Most "pro" gamers I know (Of the WoW and COD crowd ) prefer wireless pointing devices, as cords are prone to tangling more often that devices drop a click.

@bitslammer: WinMo. If you can't lock it down or remote wipe it, you need to learn how to admin. And I don't think I've ever been in a PCI environment that was comfortable with cameraphones...

@Stevox: Thank you. I hate arguments involving data phones where people try to pretend Exchange is not the Gorilla.

@CrispyAardvark: BES is a piece of junk. While I respect that you probably had executive mandate to use BBs, the software has been terrible for years.

@Jackie: ROFFLE for the TG reference ;)

@dangertree: This commercial is awesome. I smile every time I see it.

CP. Nice to look at, and drive lightly on weekends. But if you are going to pony up to the M club on the sly, you really need a good reason not to pick up a decent e39 M5. They cost less in the long run.

@Wowzur: I was under the impression that it would be all 3 within 18 mos. But Blizz's schedule for the next 2 years is pretty crazy.

@Tetsuooooooo: 'swhy our design guy is full time on staff, and is required to generate content.

How can you criticize what is clearly the first act in a 3 part game for not ending the story well?

@DaveExile: Because the publishers of console games tend to stay away from games that require peripherals that aren't bundled with the game in the first place.

@bjaxon: Time to have a seizure in an ATT store next to the box.