
The quote is: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

Sounds healthier to me than stomach stapling, or diet pills, or fad diets where all you eat is red meat. The infections bit worries me, but if someone is at the point they're considering having their stomach stapled, this definitley looks like a better option.

I lost 30 pounds (down to 170 from around 200) by eating healthier and paying more attention when I ate whether I was still hungry or just eating because the food tasted good. I ate healthier by simply not having snacks in the house, other than stuff like yogurt, fruit drinks, and teas. I ate whatever I wanted for

I'm sure it is fun to play. But it's also Starcraft 1 with a facelift. I've seen videos of it being played, and I've talked with my brother in law, who purchased it, about it. He's told me what I suspected... as far as multiplayer goes, it's basically SC1 all over again. He lamented the fact that the single player

They designed the game to be fun to watch, rather than fun to play? Has Blizzard forgotten what a game is supposed to be? It's no wonder I didn't buy it.

You're seriously using Resident Evil as an example? The Resident Evil games have always been crap.

I disagree. I'm a game developer myself, and seeing that trailer gave me a lot of ideas.

Seems like this game is going to be a wasted opporunity. The trailer was amazing, and perhaps this game could have ushered in a new era of respect for game as an artistic medium, but it sounds like they took the easy way out and just made Left 4 Dead again.

Businessmen do go out to lunch and might want to read the news on their iPad while they're out you know.

Well for one, with a conventional bomb, you can make an effort to avoid civilian casualties. We now have smart bombs that can pick out a specific building and home right in on it. With a nuke, you're just gonna obliterate everything in a three mile radius.

They don't record the speeches at GDC because they want you to pay to go to the conference. I think you can get a compilation of the talks that went on and their notes though. I saw this thick book a freind of mine had once with some kind of GDC notes in it.

These are American felling axes, not tree felling axes.

Test your might!

But you can tell some objects are green, and some are blue, and some are red. Even though they're all shades of purple. That's because the white balance is set incorrectly. And that's an easy enough thing to fix. They also mention in the video that by the end of the year the colors will be more like real life.

Awesome. Kotaku's back button doesn't work, and Gizmodo's works but takes me back to Engadget instead of back to their own front page.

Business as usual.

Except I don't think that would be any more legal than what he used. I think the explosion was caused by expanding gasses, and the explosive material charge was due to it being generated by a chemical reaction. Which is the same thing that goes on with baking soda and vinegar.

I don't have a problem with them liveblogging it while it is going on. It is the fact that they failed to report that there was a livestream and post a link to it that irks me.

What is with Reggie's pronounciation? It sounds like he keeps saying "Nintendo's ass segment" and I've noticed a number of other mispronounciations as well.

I've lost some respect for Kotaku. Nintendo is streaming this conference live on their website, but instead of pointing people to that, you're pointing them to your own liveblog of it. I'm pretty sure gamers would rather see the conference live, than see you guys tweet about it.