
So when are they gonna have demo units in stores so we can see it for ourselves?

What if I want to be on Verizon and want a big screen and no keyboard like the Droid X but don't want its crappy battery life?

I dunno. You say it's not shopped, but it looks shopped to me. Maybe he did take a picture of a plane in front of the moon but the lighting on the plane has a CG quality to it. It's too perfect. Where's the blue light on the left coming from? And how did he both capture the detail in the bright moon illuminated

I was expecting Lilly Alen's "Fuck You". I was dissapointed. I am also dissapointed to see someone thought it was clever to make another song where that is repeated over and over.

Someone needs to tell this guy that song is ANNOYING AS ALL HELL.

Even if the universe expands forever, at no point would there be a universe at an infinite size because a universe which is infinite in size could not continue to expand.

@Intelli: I think you read that wrong.

@BasicSand: #1 probably has to do with poo. #2 is punching a vagina I believe. #3 is is some kind of gross japanese porn. And Rule 34 is "if it exists, there's porn of it" as well as a website where an archive of said images can be found. Never heard of the others.

@GameOnHolmes: See youtube link below or above. Wherever this comment appears. It keeps moving!

@sodafountan: My game was written for the PC in BlitzMax. It couldn't be ported to Xbox without a total rewrite. And at $1 per copy I very much doubt I would have made more than that $100 back for all the work it would have taken to port it.

@GameOnHolmes: I'm not hating. I'm lamenting the state of the industry that it's hard to make a living as an indie game developer because people no longer think a game is worth $15. Sure they sold 30K copies. But they're not going to make a living making games if they only make $10K each off each one they make.

Hm... well... congratulations, I guess?

They want us to give them this new power and yet at the same time they want to hide behind the shield of national security when they're accused of abusing said power and someone tries to bring a lawsuit to stop it.

Sounds like they put some code in like "If player tries to open door and player has key and monster has been defeated" but they stored the defeated flag in one variable and the monster's living state in another and the save gave saved the monsters living state but not the defeated flag. Then when the player goes back

Pain center is near the pleasure center of the brain. That's why there's masochists.

@OohErMissus: Zork? I guess Zork ought to be included in the curriculum for historical reasons, but if you want a real text adventure instead of fluff, try Planetfall.

Ultima is too foundational? I grew up in that day and age. Ultima was crap. I gave up on it in a day like this kids would have liked to. Give me Dragon Warrior any day over Ultima. Hell, give me Final Fantasy. And I don't even like Final Fantasy.

Does bankruptcy mean their landlords can't kick em out if they don't pay the rent? If not, who is it they owe money to exactly?