
Rhyming duh with zelda? Terrible.

That was... kinda terrible actually.

When I saw the pic with the story, I thought you'd photoshopped a possum over some game for some weird reason.

The American one is terrible. I wouldn't have given that a second look. What the hell is wrong with the people employed by Sony to promote these games? They need to be fired, and the artist who created that bland version of the main character with no emotion showing in his face at all needs to be fired as well.

I give them ten years before they've run all the franchises into the ground by making them more family-friendly.

Covering all the little bumps with smooth blocks? Blasphemy!

There's a way to view those cutscenes if you missed them but I forget what it was.

Wow and I thought the legal system in the US was bad. They were convicted of breaking a law which doesn't exist and they must remain in jail and can't get their money back? WTF? That's not justice.

Hideo Kojima is a game designer. Carmack is a programmer. Of course Carmack isn't going to have grand visions about what he wishes to achieve in the design of a game. He has no imagination. He's only interested in the technology.

Medic and spy update?

They got the terrain right, but the skies and the water look all wrong. The water looks like a low lying green fog.