
You’re right he forgot the trigger warning made just for you

You guys couldn’t even unite to stand in line and vote against this. Shut up.

I guess these folks at the game were part of the reported 34 million registered democrats who failed to vote.

Damn Drew,

He still has that statue with the giant dick though.

This may catch on. Since dinosaurs are clearly not human you not pay them and they don’t complain about it.

As my 67 year old mom responded upon seeing this

Next time just throw an actual live grenade.

Lineman wrestling.

Why do I feel Ted Thompson will cut him for Trent Richardson just to prove a point?

My favorite part is that they still managed to lose.

Good for McCoy. Now he won’t have to deal with having to pay to rent 1/4 of Jeff Fishers office next season.

Doesn’t matter had sex.

You’re right. Because a significant number of comments below are on shit you missed or didn’t copy/paste right from your TV guide app.

Keep telling yourself posting the days TV guide on a sports blog makes you special.

When wil they make you either go away or just post this on Jezebel?

Somewhere Colt McCoy is cracking up at this call.

The money they do make is probably worth quite a bit in Sudan and Somalia.

If Cam Newton displayed this kind of poise, decision making, leadership, and humility he would have won the super bowl.