
Another Trump-like CPC candidate is a non-politician, reality TV star, named Kevin O'Leary. One notable line, among many, was when he used his CBC News show to say: "Elect me as prime minister for 15 minutes. I will make unions illegal. Anybody who remains a union member will be thrown in jail."

Andy Tuttle's Sunday Trousers.

That's true — often the muzzling of scientists and suppression of data had a very clear political motive.

The muzzling of scientists is part of the playbook. We recently went through that here in Canada with our last Conservative government.

I dropped Design Matters for audio quality. It had an episode recommended here on Podmass a while back, and I like the topic, but it sounded like it was recorded into the mic of a MacBook.


Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Thomas, I want you to know that I like having your right-leaning input here on AV, but I think that it's a mischaracterization to attribute trite comments like "martial law will be declared, democracy will end" to the left-leaning people here (and here I'll include myself).

Apocalyptica doing their version of One seems like a good choice for the inauguration.

I actually came here to post about the Foreman. I don't reheat fries often, but when I do, I use the Foreman and the results are delicious.

My partner and I bought some old alarm clocks and began a "no phones in the bedroom" policy. I won't lie, the weaning process was difficult, but it's been a huge positive for our communication and intimacy. The trick for us was to remove all phone chargers from the bedroom.