
Also, maybe you married the wrong person? When that happens we often look for signs of trouble anywhere we can find it. Think about it.

Bingo. When you’re written out of history books, your story has to get dug up and told by other means. That’s why Stuff You Missed in History Class features so many women (enough so that certain audience members actually complained about it).

You leave Raylan Givens out of this

Lisa Eldridge reminds me a lot of Kevyn Aucoin in how she is very positive and encouraging when it comes to makeup. If you don’t know her, you should check out her site and videos.

I couldn’t “courtesy flush” with those toilets.

Wow, is it just me, or was that an extra barfy bag of barf today? Well, let’s see whether the old Code 45* can shed a little light on what’s going on under that carpet of burnt cotton candy. This insane back-and-forthing over DACA has everyone wondering what the hell this idiot thinks he’s doing. Do they have a deal,

I am blessed with the ability to poop very quickly without it being diarrhea. The flip side is the fact that when I have to go, I really can’t fuck around. I have no choice. And I don’t give a fuck, anyway. My co-workers can get bent if they have a problem with it.

Ah, the lesser known R.E.M. ballad.

everybody poops...sometimes.


Today’s Code 45* is simply brimming with boyish enthusiasm and...what’s a nicer word for horniness?... ardour over the latest WH staffing decision. I’m sure most of you are aware that Hope Hicks was promoted to communications director today, and that he sees her as one of the few (if not the only) remaining people

Yeah, everything you need to do right now sucks, but you have two months to get it done before the hardest work of your life kicks in. It won’t be hard forever — in fact, it’ll get easier every single day — but taking care of a newborn is no small feat and you deserve people on Team You that you can count on.

Yes, I also despise the pinned stories on the front page. They already have a row of stories along the top and a cluster of stories on the left....how many more ways do they need to tell me, “Here are some stories you might like to read!”

Yay, I can see the grey comments again!

Unfortunately it was a literal note, and the sticky stuff wore off.