Elliot May

Plus the sight of de-aged Andrew is enough to give me nightmares for weeks.

I second your final sentence a thousand times over. Even the best sitcom needs emotional depth. Veep used to be *so* good at walking the comedy/character tightrope.

There was a novelisation? Wild. I figured from the newspapers in Sarah's room that her mother was still alive and had at one time dated a guy who looked a lot like David Bowie. Sarah had idolised her mother, especially in her absence, and probably romanticised the David Bowie guy her mother had dated. From my

Fully agreed. For some reason 'NLMD' always gets the short end of the stick in articles like this, perhaps because Bowie himself called it his worst album. But 'Tonight' is just risible in comparison. Dreadful. Yeah, obviously it has 'Blue Jean' and 'Loving the Alien' but I believe the latter's greatness only became

This episode was so much better than the rest of the season, it's making me regret even more that they didn't just have Tom James take the presidency and have Selina serve as his VP. (or y'know have Selina carry on being president.)

Wow. Clicking on that link was perhaps the biggest waste of my time that I've ever suffered courtesy of AV Club. And that is saying A LOT.