Ellie Opulent

Wow. You folks are comprehensive. Boise and SF are not very far apart. I think for the closer groups they maybe walked, to look for survivors in the suburbs. That resistance guy's final destination was SF, too.

God no. Parcheesi is so boring. So boring. So boring.

Well, he is well-meaning. For HUMANITY. Just not for actual humans.

Making Ben denounce his father was utterly unnecessary. She did that part for fun.

Was anyone else in the Secret Service weird about Ethan's disappearance? I feel like they only ever talked to Hassler.

I also thought something like that, that Pilcher made the abbies. But now we know he's sadistic in lots of ways so it doesn't seem necessary to his character.

Oh. That kind of explained the huge plot hole tonight. I thought that was Theresa's hospital visitor card.

I think now we know the truth we don't need much more in WP, but a show about Hassler looking for humanity, or maybe Pam and Pilcher creating the town, could be interesting.

Also, I like your hypothesis about the suicides- it's true, Pilcher never said people committed suicide directly because of the truth. It may well have been as an alternative to being ripped apart by bloodthirsty creatures.

Well, he didn't really blow it. He just thinks he did. His idea of humanity is so glorified that everything must be perfect or they weren't really "saved." Ethan pretty much fixed the town up in this last episode, and obviously there's more explaining to do but that's not so hard.

I do, but they never quite get to me. Maybe because for a while we were speculating on whether Kate and Harold loves each other or were just married to make plotting bombs easier and then we got such a tragic end to that conversation.

Actually, I've talked to two friends who also thought something like this (nobody had the specifics of the power outage, obviously, but something with abbies) for several episodes now. Ah well.

There is a lot of foreshadowing and exposition, as one would expect from a guy who writes a 700 page book a year, but the plot is very good.

Oh-just got that you meant someone in town, not in the real world. I guess they had other stuff to worry about. I feel like Ethan should've maybe started with the 4028 part, though. Seems rather significant and he never got it in, he's relying on rumors from those who saw video. Also, to clarify- those weapons (the

My grandma (not American) used to call baseball "The Ballsy One" and basketball "LeBron James' favorite sport" because she couldn't remember the difference otherwise.

Dude, I just got your comment name. I like it. Full disclosure: I googled "sallgood" because I assumed it was the name of a TV character.

I didn't really get why Ethan needed all the names (sidenote: he looks so much better with stubble). Was he planning on putting them in jail indefinitely or something? Or did he just want to know who to keep an eye on? Because it seemed like Pilcher didn't really need Ethan to get those names. He found the barista

I thought that was odd. Because I think she was wearing a hat, like when she met Ben, so it seemed like a flashback, but that's a waste of time in what looks to be a jam-packed episode. I guess she just gets her hat back?

For the genius who saved humanity, he's not all that smart.

I think she joined him, right? She was an original Pilcher groupie, back in her hypnotherapy days. How much choice do you think they have in marriage? Now we know Harold and Kate were in love, but why the HELL is the mayor married to that woman? She's pretty hot, I guess. But still. The hypnotherapy background is