Ellie Opulent

No, she knows the timeline is off. Ethan thinks they saw each other two weeks ago (yeah- didn't Ethan tell his wife he'd regretted the affair "ever since?" Which would be… two weeks), so she's aware time is different for different people. I just don't think she's figured it out. If you look at the comments on episodes

The reveal happened. I don't think we're getting any more big surprises. We just have to see how the plot unfolds from here.

Ben knows LOTS about his parents' marriage. So does… the town principal?

You know how easy it is to get a 14 year old aspiring musician to disobey his parents?

I doubt the kids not getting killed is a plot point. It's just a hole, and one I'm willing to overlook.

I like the second idea. They could redo the whole thing. OH NO-it's 6028!

The show is old, you can tell because Ethan thinks it's 2014 and it was halfway through 2015 when the show aired, and usually show timelines are correct. A show about Pilcher's first company would be cool. I bet he and Melissa Leo (and maybe Hope Davis) will get good press and maybe continue.)

Hm, you have a point. Maybe she just wanted to convey the town is fake? It's possible flies didn't evolve or get eaten (as it's suggested everything else did, we saw them eat a deer.) It seems like human evolution was greatly sped up, because the deer looked the same. I bet dogs were frozen, but maybe all the other

Did that senior realtor guy actually fall rock-climbing to get out, or was he attacked?

What did pilcher's company do?

Amy dies, internal brain stuff or something, as someone mentioned below.
Ben turns on the teacher and tries to join, or joins, the insurgents.
Actually, lost my train of thought. But I think Ben will be an ultimate decider of fate. And there was LOTS of foreshadowing of Amy's death, it's nearly certain.

And Ben yells "AMY" in the preview.

The no crickets has nothing to do with animals. Beverley told Ethan that so he'd find the security cameras, which sound like crickets. There seem to just be normal animals. They eat meat, don't they?

Wife: I want her to go find Plot 33! We didn't see it in any hints for the next episode. My guess is she'll find it in the last episode and it will be the big reveal/ticket to a next season.
Pam: She's going to be the biggest protagonist, I think. I mean, Ethan's great but the acting is very off-putting and we learn

EW, Ben is only 14?! Also, he's going to have some real PTSD shit about everything sex-related now. "Damn… so, my teacher used my girlfriend as me to demonstrate the beauty of sex and then she encouraged us to go HAVE sex in the back of a truck and we nearly got blown up and the driver died. And that's all because my

WOW! I was out of town so I just got to see WP tonight (missed the immediate comment section!) and I was duly impressed. Every week the show adds layers and I just try my best to keep the questions at bay because it's so, so enjoyable. I thought both Carla Gugino and Melissa Leo delivered genuinely impressive

When did he mention that?

Matt Dillon I always feel like it close to being really handsome but then if you look too closely he kind of looks dead.

They took them out. They explained that before or right around when Beverly was killed. So did Ethan, not sure about Theresa- probably not.

That's very possible. After all, we never found Harold. And Harold REALLY wanted to get out.