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    Idk, the teachers at my high school were experienced career teachers, who had education degrees. Maybe if we really cared about schools in poor areas, we'd send them those, not pay minimum wage and loan forgiveness to super-enthusiastic recent college grads who are just stopping in for a year or two, and have no ties

    He's not actually chubby, or bad-looking, though. And he can fill Madison Square Garden. And can dress well, makes pasta from scratch, and can carry on a conversation on a date. Also, women regularly blow him off on the show. I don't think the caliber of women he gets with is unrealistic.

    I mean, you're really reaching here. The only demographic to give Trump a majority vote are white people, and with white men he won in a landslide. You can't blame people of color for this one — based on their votes, he would have had his ass kicked even if as many as *thirty* percent (oh my gosh, such strong support)

    Yeah, it's super dickish. Not eating pork at an Eid dinner is just baseline respect. I don't understand why so many people are saying eating whatever you want all the time is being an adult — seems like the opposite of being an adult, tbh.

    I really think it was meant to be compassion on the wife's part. Gilead is set up so that women can never have power or have anger, unless it's over/toward a lower-ranking woman. Even the Handmaids get to kill someone everyone once in a while. Emily's wife refuses to take part in that, which in the long-term fucks

    Yeah, I mean, I love this show, and I think anyone with moderately religious parents can relate to the central tension of this episode, but — him ordering pork at Eid dinner is just cartoonish and unbelievable. Maybe it would work better at a dinner that wasn't a Muslim holiday, without his extended family around?

    I don't know if this was really up to Rust. To be cast as a female lead in a big-budget series like this, you have to be really hot. Jacobs is also a really lovely, funny actress, and I love her in this, but there was no way this role was going to go to someone who was of average looks, or who wasn't thin and white.

    Seconded! Also, lots of shows with white main characters also have 'generic, silly white co-worker' characters (Broad City, Girls, etc.). Don't see why this show should have to be any different.

    I don't think he was seeking revenge. He's just a garden variety sadist, and his job leaves a lot of room for him to act on that. A baby mouse can't be that difficult to come by. I don't think people like his character are very common, but it does seem plausible that someone like this would do this.

    Realistically, he is the best she can do. Like she says in the episode, she's a 53-year-old, HIV-positive ex-prostitute woman with a dick. She's a survivor. She doesn't have shit, and knows how bad things can really be. She's not like the Pfeffermans, expecting a wonderful relationship that's totally fair and

    Yeah, totally. The whole blowing Ray against his will and then taking off instead of waiting for the mechanic was completely unneccessary and cartoonish. And too fake. Anyway, you say it better than I could.

    Fantastic article. Gorgeous, love it. Could we get a photo credit to match?

    Yeah, totally. The stakes are so much higher for him. It's a much bigger deal for him if the man who killed his sister is acquitted, than for basically anyone else, and because of that objectivity is basically impossible. Very sad spot to be in.

    I took it as like, a hilarious last-ditch attempt to either make her stay, or say, like, you'd be lost without me. Completely desperate and over-the-top. The line made me laugh.

    This basically nails what is wrong with the show. It's not that really attractive women never go for relatively less attractive men. Even spazzy, unconfident, less attractive men. Or that there's not more than matching attractiveness levels that go into compatibility.

    She calls it a satire all the time. And constantly talks about how her character lacks self-awareness.

    Thanks for this. It's how many years, and they're still bitching about this like it's a new realization. All shows, everywhere, have to be for men (but like in the boring 'male gaze' way), or we'll hear so much whining. Even ones called 'Girls.'

    Of course you do. Yawn . . .

    Yeah. Just watched it today, and that detail cracked me right up.

    A woman this old? She's thirty-two.