
I think that the pre Summerslam episodes were better than those that have happened since Summerslam ended. Smackdown is still more logical and has better writing than Raw, but the flagship show has not exactly set the bar high. I would have loved more buildup to the WWE World title match. Ambrose and AJ showed that

This angle will definitely not be about Owens. Like Ambrose, he will hold the belt, but won't benefit from a lot of character development, but I think that Rollins will, and even though the WWE may try to ignore Owens, he will still shine.

Heath has a more clearly defined character than Reigns. I'll admit this is a problem, but one that in this case I don't mind the WWE masking by once again dragging out Triple H.

I understand your complaint, but I have a strong feeling that this angle will elevate Rollins and Owens. At the very least, Rollins will probably be the central character of the story. I also have to admit that while Owens winning on his own would have been good, it is Triple H's involvement that elevates this story

I enjoy Smackdown more than Raw, but last night the "why is this happening" moments ruined the show for me. I do not understand how Dolph went from being on the verge of having a nervous breakdown last week to challenging Miz this week. At least bring up the fact that Dolph really does not deserve this shot. Or

I love that all of the Smackdown performers interact with one another. It's also good that everyone is shown as wanting to be on top or go for a title. It's never made since to have a huge roster, yet only two or three people care about the main title.

This was a pretty good episode. Given that the roster is thin, and full of people who do not have fully developed characters, I'm glad that they decided to be more story driven than Raw.

The difference is that Vince is trying to make inroads in Mexico, which is why he is trying to play nice with Carlos Colon. It's the only reason why he was inducted into the hall of fame.

David Shoemker wrote a great piece for Ringer about how even when Reigns was not in the main event picture, the focus was still on him. He sums it up better than I can, but it all boils down to fans always knowing what would be the main event of Wrestlemania, as well as the ending. Everything that was done with

But, the Vaudevillains were getting legitimate heat a few weeks ago. After they debuted on Raw, they caught the attention of the fans. Unfortunately, I do not think that they have the attention of Vince and the writers.

I thought that her speech about what a Boss is was amazing. She really caught the audience's attention during that portion.

Good review, and while I agree with a lot of what you said, I do have to disagree on the New Day. This feud has been great so far, and while incest jokes are not okay, the whole point of the segment was Xavier pointing out that his teammates should be serious and see the Wyatts as a threat. Xavier leaving Francesca

He looks great in the ring, but I'm still worried. As Latoya wrote, JBL putting Ambrose down smacks of JBL acting as Vince's mouthpiece. It's being done to distract from what Dean has been doing, and making it look like he is a transitional champion, who shouldn't be taken seriously.

The charges were dropped, because he received counseling from his minister. He was not cleared.

If those guys were being utilized correctly, and not being treated as fodder for Roman Reigns, people would be entertained. The boos are a way to voice displeasure with the current product and direction of the show.

Considering how the WWE destroyed any credibility that Ambrose had left at Wrestlemania, I'm not sure if I'm sad or happy that he was not on the show.

This is how I feel. I just don't care anymore. I will say that it is hard not to like Enzo. His entrance was like a breath of fresh air.

I love Dean Ambrose, but I think that he is just being used to get heat for Triple H, and to get people to cheer for Roman.

I think that the only problem with this is that it is a street fight, and even if Dean wins, it would be hard to push the idea that he's in great shape to go up against both Roman and Triple H.

This is how I perceived the scene, but it still makes Cookie look bad, because it shows that she did not research the people who kidnapped her son, yet she still hired them, and allowed them to extort money from her.