
Yes, it is hard to have faith in the show, when you realize that one of the co-creators and the showrunner wrote season one's finale, and they threw out a million storylines, which hurt that episode, but opened up some interesting possibilities for this season, but they didn't follow up on any of those threads.

I usually don't agree with your reviews, but this one is pretty accurate. I do have one quibble, I'm going to assume that Cookie knew about the tattoo, and that the scene meant that Hakeem confirmed that it was the same tattoo that was on the backs of his kidnappers. Cookie looked stupid because she didn't bother to

Lucious is always trying to bring his sons down, because he wants to control them. I don't want to see the battle, because I'm not invested in those two characters.

There would be a show. Lucious winning all of the time is boring. The fact that none of his sons have been presented as strong enough to challenge him is a major problem.

I agree that the misdiagnosis took away a lot if not all of the tension, but I would say that the biggest mistake is that they changed too many characters this season. Jamal went from being strong, and the sanest person on the show, to someone who is timid, weak, and mean. He's spent most of the season whining and

I always have questions about the show, but it is odd that they are never the questions that others have.

Last night's episode had the character and storyline development aspects that the rest of the episodes this season have been lacking. It was not the most exciting episode, but it did setup what could be some very interesting storylines.

They didn't say that's why he wasn't booked. And Jamal, like everyone in his family, is arrogant, so of course he is going to assume that he can fill a huge arena. Because he thinks so much of himself, he is going to assume that his sexuality is the only reason why he wouldn't get booked.

Lee is giving them ideas, but Chaiken is the ShowRunner, and she and Danny Strong are the people who are writing the show. Lee has said that Chaiken is in charge. Lee Daniels is working on other projects. Daniels directed the premiere and will direct the final episode of the season. The premiere episode was

This makes no sense. If it was just about supporting a show because of the race of the characters why doesn't a show like Black-ish or the shows on OWN have ratings that rival Empire's?

Lucious didn't care about what Freda did, so that's really not a discrepancy. I agree that the show drops storylines too much, and too many things do not have an impact, but I don't think that this is the end of the kidnapping storyline. The main problem with it, as you pointed out, is that it was mean to show

I loved the episode. It was the best one of the season. I think that the flashbacks could lead to Lucious trying to help Andre by telling him about his mother, but I don't think that the revelation will have a positive outcome for either of them.

Lucious is the devil.

The songs have been weaker because the storyline has not been strong, so it's harder to get invested in the characters. Without that investment, who cares about the songs.

Calling the show glee is a lazy insult, which started with someone who never watched a minute of the show before coming up with the label.

The network nixed the cannibal storyline, and they had to reshoot those scenes. In most of the stills and videos that were released, Rock died in the prison yard after inmates started to fight.

I love what they are doing with Hakeem's character this season. He is the only one who has shown any character growth. They still have him being hot headed, and making dumb mistakes, because he is young and feels entitled, but they are also showing that he's trying to prove himself to his family, and show them that

She was being harassed, and she her kids were threatened. She knew that she didn't do anything wrong.

So rich people don't have to be worried about being hounded by the police, or killed for no reason? I think one main point of the story that people missed, and that may be the fought of the show, is that no one deserves to have their rights stepped on, even if the person is not a very good person, or is guilty. I

I have no problem with bringing light to a serious issue. It is not just about Sandra Bland, there have been others who have died in police custody under murky circumstances.