
This is the problem that I have. I love that they have Hakeem speak up about what Lucious has done, but I just do not understand Jamal or Cookie's attitudes. It's like they don't care that someone is dead, and it is worse because we have been told on several times that Bunky, not Lucious raised Jamal, Hakeem and

I have a problem with the season, but I pretty much disagree with our whole piece. I don't have an issue with equating Lucious with the black lives matter movement, because the Prosecutor has shown that she is overstepping the bounds of what is legal and right. Lucious being guilty does not mean that he should be

It can be explored a lot more. Just like all the relationships on the show. Rhonda hardly has any screentime. She is smart, and other than Cookie, she can stand up to Lucious. She is being wasted.

I think that he did care that he was killing his best friend. We saw several scenes that indicated that he was bothered by it, but they also made it seem like he didn't have a choice.

I agree about the music. They listened to the complaints of those who wanted the music to be current, and to do well on the charts. They didn't realize that people liked the music because of the storyline and the characters. Without that connection, no one will pay attention to the music.

I think that my biggest complaint is that they are relying on violence and money as a way to solve any issue. Both of these are fine tools to use once in a while, but using it every time is boring. I want them to show that the characters are smart, and that they can use their brains to solve a problem, even if the

Empire is about a family. The music isn't really rap, it is more r&b and pop. Only one of the show's most popular songs would fall under the rap category.

Empire receives criticism from a lot of different groups. The people at Breitbert and the Drudge Report love slamming the show, and their readers flood certain message boards with racist garbage. There are those who rail against the show having the nerve to depict a black gay man as being a real person, and those

I think that the writers added depth to this last year, when they revealed that Lucious is the only man that Cookie has ever been with, and the only one who she has ever loved. Of course now she's had sex with Malcolm.

I have to take issue with the first example that you mentioned from "Out Damn Spot", it always bothered me that critics mention Cookie opening up her coat, and the comment that she made about her butt, but fail to mention why Cookie was upset, or the job that Taraji P. Henson did in showing that Cookie was humiliated,

To be fair, it is a storyline. It is not over. Kelly Rowland is in more than just one episode. Empire isn't perfect, too many people seem to believe that a storyline is going to have a beginning, middle, and end in just one episode.

I wasn't crazy about this episode, I didn't like the tone or pace. While I have issues with the fast pace of this season, especially since it's lead to characters not being fully developed, and scenes that only exist to shock, the slowness of last night's episode bored me a little.