Ellie K

Approve me too!

Your snake sounds so pretty! (Do not even think for one second, deadspin readers, of making some lewd reptile sex reply.)

Sam, the snake's head is facing the camera, at the farthest point from the man's head, so they could not be kissing. However, your observation is interesting, as the man could be kissing the snake's coils given how closely he seems to be uh embracing it.

That's exactly what I recall. It was offered through Google Apps for Business, and you could use the domain for your Google Sites. Google discontinued the program last year. I don't know if it was discontinued for just Google Sites (if you wanted to point your site there) or for all Google Apps for Businesses users.

It's so cute! What if I need space for two digits?

I figured it out, I think. TaTer's YouTube account is linked to his website and Twitter. Both Twitter's. Or something, I didn't look into that closely. This is exciting: He didn't get the $10,000, but Google will include his name in the Google Chrome Apps Vulnerability Hall of Fame. Yay! I wish I could be there...

It was so silly! "Google should be disbanded" :o) I am giggling again! Here's Ater's Twitter update about Google Calendar spying on his wife,

You're right, it's a non-issue. I just read Aater's prior post, about Google Calendar spying on his wife. He's so dramatic, talking it up on Twitter too! This YouTube comment offered a typically insightful remediation for the Google Search microphone "vulnerability".

You did just fine. It is a good post. Even though Adobe has written about the global and local settings for Flash in the past, many aren't aware, so it doesn't hurt to write about it again. Chrome browser's built-in version of Flash makes things additionally opaque.

If you were old enough to go to college at 18 years of age, you (or your parents) should have inquired about the health care options available at a Roman Catholic college or university.

The left side concerns non-communicable disease, and associated mortality. Causes are likely due to lifestyle and environmental exposure e.g. ionizing radiation in the 1940's, black lung from coal mining. Move to the right, all the way over.

I am laughing at it again, your profile image! But this isn't good: Our movies was removed. I am so sad. I posted it to a board on Quora, and many others shared in the joy of watching it and laughing. I know it is often unavoidable, but always feel sad when something good is removed. Maybe there will be a sequel. We

I like your avatar image ;o) It is new, no?

Yes! Me too, I am laughing so much at this. Then I see your embedded image, and I laugh even more!

The blood seems to have a distinctly pink hue! The part of the video where the shark gets bi-sected has me lol'ing continuously. This was wonderful, including the source link to (of all websites) "Dangerous Minds".

I could not agree with you more emphatically. Community colleges are overlooked, to an absurd extent. Why would anyone attend a for-profit private school like University of Phoenix if they could study the same material, with the same convenient scheduling, as offered by a local community college? Yet that happens, a

Annalee, I think you suggested that Reddit could replace the social side of education AND also what you described as study groups in graduate school. Let's include study groups in undergraduate programs too. There is just no way Reddit could replace either of those. It isn't intended for that! It isn't like IM, nor