I know it’s on Amazon HBO if you can do a free trial for that. I haven’t seen it because my trial ran out (and they don’t have enough on there for me to want to actually pay for it continually) but it was on my watchlist.
I know it’s on Amazon HBO if you can do a free trial for that. I haven’t seen it because my trial ran out (and they don’t have enough on there for me to want to actually pay for it continually) but it was on my watchlist.
I don’t remember that case, thanks for the links.
Wait. That means all my egg citizens should get a vote. They are as old as me, and therefore of voting age. Sorry men, all your sperm citizens are far too young to vote.
It sounds like they think all women eventually come to regret choosing abortion so they need to be protected from making that choice. Basically we are incapable of knowing what’s best for ourselves, so we need laws to dictate our choices.
A couple years ago me, my brother, and my grandma all became convinced my mom had been kidnapped. She wasn’t answering her phone, and her car was at her house but she wasn’t. We basically called everyone she knew, my grandma actually called the hospital asking if she was there, and was about to call the cops when my…
Yeah that’s really creepy behavior. I always feel kind of bad for locking my car doors if I’m waiting in a parking lot and a stranger walks by, but in your case you were not overreacting. That’s not a normal way to interact with people!
Meh?!? I literally can’t stop crying... My whole body has chills. I was prepared to start believing in ghosts, for some reason was not prepared for it to turn out like it did.
G6I think I feel kind of similar to you. I only had one friend I actually socialized with on a regular basis, and since she had a baby (almost a year ago now), we haven’t done anything together. I watch the baby when she’s at work so I actually see her and talk to her almost every day. That’s mostly enough…
This is why I love Kindle unlimited! I never run out of books to read, and if a book is really poorly written or just a bad story, I haven’t wasted any money on it.
The Wal-Mart here is not like this at all, and I don’t go to enough other Wal-Marts to have realized if they have the same layout as each other (I know they have a different layout than ours). But this could explain why I’ve heard so many people complain about the layout of our Wal-Mart!
I was a 12 year old girl and I owned that Nickelback album and I don’t remember Willa Ford. I’m not proud of myself I’m just saying, I don’t think she can blame the release date on her failure.
Their music makes me SO tense because I feel like they are singing under their breath and not breathing properly and it makes me feel like I can’t breath properly? ? I guess that’s just their style and how their voices sound, but I swear any time I try to give a song of theirs a chance, I legitimately start feeling…
If I’m reading your comment right you’re saying they couldn’t differentiate between types I and II with the blood test then? I know they can differentiate between types I and II with a blood test now at least. But they still don’t usually test for it unless you have an outbreak, I guess because the test can’t tell…
I wonder if anyone has tried Arctic Zero to compare the texture? It’s a weird texture too but some of the flavors are good. A pint of the smooth flavors is like 6 WW points. The chunky ones are 16 I think (I usually eat 1/2 cup which is 3 points so not bad). Arctic Zero has no dairy is why I’ve tried it and not Halo…
Yeah, he definitely wasn’t waving the rainbow flag based on the interview I think you must be talking about. And it’s true that we can’t be 100% sure how his opinion would have evolved. But his wife, Coretta Scott King, was an advocate for LGBT equality. And she believed that he would have been too. Now of course it’s…
The fact that people exist who really don’t get this is just astounding to me. Maybe one day I will stop being surprised by it, but that day is not today I guess. It’s hard to believe we exist on the same planet.
I looked it up after commenting and it’s older than I realized! I was barely 12 when it came out, I’m kind of surprised I never actually saw the movie.
I think I was a little older than target Shrek age (I’m 28 now), but I remember the song being super popular among my peers in like 4th(ish?) grade, before the movie came out, and I’m sure we can all sing the song still. Along with that song “Blue” about being blue and having a blue house, etc.
Congrats on quitting! And good for you for realizing it wasn’t good for your kids, seriously.
I forgot about this until literally just now, but there was a kid in my art class in 10th grade who would do this with mints. In his defense, he did have a small audience that found it hilarious.