
I remember rolling my eyes a little when it was just Poppy and Daisy, if I’d only known what was still to come!

Yep. I loved the first season and watched the special that came out around Christmas the day it came out. I was looking forward to season 2. But I heard they had cancelled it before I even had time to sit down and watch season 2! Now I still haven’t watched it because it being cancelled kind of lessened the excitement

It wasn’t to me that you said that, in fact I feel like you actually said the opposite. You said earlier “Saying you don’t bake cakes with swastikas... fair enough. You choose the products you have.” Which is why I was trying to explain that choosing not to sell cakes with certain phrases is the same as choosing not

Yes, in general someone can order a cake with a personalized message on it. But that cake is still a product I make, and refusing to make a certain product is not the same as refusing service altogether. If someone wants a “God hates fags” cake I would tell them I wouldn’t be able to make that cake, but they would be

I feel like you are conflating two separate issues where there is a very important distinction. There is quite a difference between refusing a service to someone because they belong to a certain group, and refusing to make certain products. Refusing to make a “Nazis Rule!” cake is not discrimination because I’m not

I think maybe you aren’t thinking this through completely. I actually have a bakery and of course am interested in making money, but no amount of money is going to motivate me to create a product with a hate message on it. I’ll make a non-offensive cake for whoever orders one, but I’m not going to make a swastika

My hands produce an abnormal amount of sweat. It’s mostly annoying and occasionally embarrassing, but stories like these make me think about how it would literally be the death of me in a tragic dangling situation. I’ve never been able to do a pull up in my life, I couldn’t even hang from monkey bars without sliding

Yes I’ve heard that before (here on jezebel actually) and understand that if they are going to shoot it’s not a “shoot in the leg” or whatever type thing like in the movies. By better ways I didn’t mean shooting without killing, I meant not shooting at all.

I would think it would be common for police responding to calls like this to find the callers with weapons when they arrive. Of course you’re going to grab some kind of weapon if you think you may need to defend yourself!

Yes it is technically ambiguous genitalia and technically not a penis. I should have been more clear, it’s not multiple sets of genitalia, it’s one set that appears both male and female. To what extent varies greatly. How people with CAH with ambiguous genitalia choose to refer to their genitals is not necessarily

Here is one very specific example of intersex. There is a genetic condition called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). CAH can cause people with XX chromosomes to be born with both male and female genitalia. Some people with this condition identify as male, some as female, some as neither. They used to remove the

“While I’m not totally sure if God is real, I do believe that if He is and Jesus was chill enough to be tortured for hours to save our sorry asses, that these people who do shit like this in His name, are going to be in for a rude awakening on judgement day.”

I remember listening to their album “This Time Around” on repeat as a young teen. That was several years after MMMBop, which I never really got the appeal of. Their later stuff isn’t really my style but I still think they’re talented musicians. I remember it was always a thing that Hanson fans got offended with them


I get SO angry with all this crap about people on food stamps needing to find a job! ! It’s one of my instant rage buttons, maybe because it’s so casually and callously thrown around by people who don’t know anything about food stamps!

Tongues? ? Do you have a link to these dolls?

I absolutely do agree with you that citation is not always straight forward and making a citation error shouldn’t always reflect negatively on someone. It can be difficult, especially with complex subjects. And even with simple cases, everyone makes mistakes sometimes! The situations you’re talking about are complex

Failing to use quotation marks does imply that you didn’t use his exact words though. And if you are citing a source that’s not immediately recognizable, there is at least a question there of whether you are just sloppy or are hoping nobody checks the source and gives you credit for ideas that aren’t your own.

Exactly! Plus in my experience people try to help you get over anxiety by assuring you that everyone feels anxious and you just have learn to deal with it. Feeling like the only loser who can’t deal with common feelings can definitely lead to depression. So many people still don’t understand the difference between

I’ve had anxiety literally for as long I can remember which is from about age 3. It was basically written off as me being extremely shy. Finally as a teenager i was diagnosed with depression, and it wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I was diagnosed with anxiety. Eventually it occurred to me that if I hadn’t been