
I remember reading that the reason for federal hate crime laws was basically to counter balance light sentencing/not even pursuing cases with a victim who was a minority. So I guess theoretically this guy could have been charged and sentenced on a federal level even if they had gone easy on him due to “trans panic” or

My university didn’t have a speaker when I graduated and I was overjoyed.

Devour for Jensen Ackles. That movie was the worst, and I knew it was terrible before I even bought it. I have seen it more than once.

I went through a weird Christian Slater phase. Weird because it happened when I was about 12... around 2001. I was a little late for that party. I don’t even remember how I got access to his older movies, I know I taped Broken Arrow off HBO.

I forgot about Bugsy Malone!

Idk but I read “I don’t own the kangaroo” as “I don’t KNOW the kangaroo” and I was like... This dude is going try to claim this kangaroo just showed up randomly? ?

Right? Sorry you can’t physically assault people cause everyone is a PC snowflake these days!

In the summer I will shave my legs once, maybe twice a week. Any other time I’m shaving once a month at best. But I’m not very hairy though, most of the time when I do shave I only do the front of my legs anyway, the backs don’t usually have noticeable hair.

I know it’s going to sound like I’m making this up, but my aunt had a student named Clit. It was first grade so he and classmates were oblivious at that point. I’m assuming he goes by something else now...

But the best person to do any job is the person who knows the least amount about that job. Ideally everyone would go into any job with no experience or relevant knowledge.

Yeah it was pretty brutal. Plus she had let us get into groups of our own choosing to come up with stereotypes so it was literally like setting the groups to battle! It’s been about ten years and I still remember it was just so hostile. She did a LOT of messed up or just plain stupid stuff that year but that may have

Yes this is what I was thinking too. It reminds me of when I was a junior and my English teacher decided we wouldn’t do the unit on tolerance because she didn’t agree with the message. She didn’t think we would turn gay, she just didn’t want to give the idea that being gay was acceptable. (There were other things

I also read that as the most casual death announcement ever. It was quite startling.

If everything is the will of God isn’t abortion also the will of God?

I sincerely apologize for the trouble I have caused. If it makes you feel any better, I had to shower three times after writing that and I still feel dirty.

Maternity health is obviously just a ploy to make men pay for unnecessary things. Outrageous hospital bills? Unnecessary, a barn was good enough for Jesus it’s good enough for your sinful baby. Prenatal care? I think you mean prayer, being a good person, and trusting in God.

Yeah what’s next, if we refuse to pay for the wall we just won’t get a wall? ? THE HORROR!

Did they shoot at you too? At ours they shot us with airsoft pellet guns, a lot of us were all bruised up afterwards. They did some slideshows but it was mostly activities. First they made us hide under tables (we weren’t allowed to run or fight back) and shot at us so we’d know how scary that was (and they counted

Well they aren’t really people unless you spend a deceptive day with them and successfully get them to tell you all their personal tragedies...

In order: Clown suit, drapes, Fonzie costume, 90s throwback, “oops I thought we were wearing our character’s colors”