
Soon Trump will announce plans to turn the wall into a dome.

Yeah there are deer heads everywhere here. I don’t like them but they are fairly common.

Yeah I’m trying to imagine how to glue things together down there so both vagina and urethra are covered with no gaps for liquid to escape... then if I do manage that how to wiggle around so urine dissolves it all...

Yeah but Trump isn’t taking a salary and he’s making such a huge sacrifice by being president and he’s doing it just because he loves America so obviously he deserves all the time off he can get! Also even with his time off he’s done more good for this country in three weeks than Obama did in eight years!

Yeah when every little cheer becomes an important news event, that’s when we’re going to know all news sources have been corrupted and I’m going to assume terrible things are happening that we aren’t allowed to know about.

In a facebook thread about this bill there was a guy who said that women were just the incubator. Since eggs are just sitting there doing nothing without the help of the sperm, it is technically the man who creates a new life. So clearly a woman has no right to make decisions concerning abortion. Cause she has

Marital rape is already legal in Oklahoma under certain circumstances. In the law the long definition of rape is for someone who is not your spouse. If it’s your spouse, this is all it says:

Yes sign me up, get me away from this place!

I am amazed at how many people are just closing their eyes to this, acting like everyone panicking is being dramatic, and insisting it’s not really that bad.

Oh but everything is fine, just give Trump a chance...

Produce is a much nicer thought than what I’m assuming, which is blood. I mean clearly he’s going to make Mexico “pay” for not paying for the wall, right?

I’m already seeing them excuse this away on facebook. They are ok with spending this much on the wall because after the wall is there we will no longer be spending tax money on illegal immigrants. You know on account of all the illegal immigrants going to public school or expecting our fire departments to keep their

A friend of a relative on facebook posted that she didn’t understand what women were complaining about because they already have equal rights. She said American women are spoiled and should just be thankful they don’t live somewhere worse.

We went to a circus when I was little and the only thing I really remember about it was how upset my mom was over it and we never went to a circus again.

I really hope they are actually able to recognize this. As of right now they are still applauding Trump for calling out the liberal media, and it’s the democrats who are being crybabies.

I have seen this all over facebook from my conservative family and it is just astounding to me anyone could think Trump is making a sacrifice for the good of the people by being president! He is not even president yet and look at how much fun he is having on twitter alone. His ego is off the charts. These people are

I live in a very conservative area but even I have been shocked at the number of people who think this. Unfortunately Trump being elected only confirmed it for them so of course now it’s just getting worse. Like at first they just had a hunch everyone thought that way but now they are sure and feel more comfortable

Yes we can’t forget how many find Trump refreshing because he “says what everyone is secretly thinking.”

Or like how my state, Oklahoma, wanted to make abortion illegal recently....

I mean, yeah your butt is usually dry (I hope!) but if you are already having sex and there is a lot of lubrication, natural or artificial, and you are in the right position... things can get pretty slippery down there. It probably also depends on the size of the penis?