
I know you’re a troll but I’m bored so....what or who, exactly, are you taking your country back from?

I’m pretty sure it’s called The Rurrah Jurrah.

Ahhh Malla would have been right at home on the set of The Rurrjurr

Jane will be playing Myla Marbles in The Skill of the Negotiation: The Danny Dimp-Domp Story.

She’s so capable she doesn’t even notice that she’s picking up the slack for several coworkers and her live-in boyfriend! Very pretty. Much mascara. So feminine.

They are so fuck-ugly, I have never understood why people buy them, especially at those prices. It looks like you raided your great-grandmother’s closet and picked out her ugliest purse. Check the inside pocket; you’ll find a shit ton of Sweet-N-Low packets.