
A friend referred me to https://5calls.org/. You enter your zip code (or not, if you wanna keep it general), and it’ll generate 5 issues to call about and, if its applicable, they’ll give you more than one phone number you can try to call. It gives you background on the issue you’re calling about and a script that you

Hello! As a former Hill person, two things:

I wake up at least 5 times per week, read a headline, and say to myself “what the fuck world am I living in.”

His whole adult life has been a staged fucking event.

When I was in middle school some girl was like “you were an accident and your parents didn’t even want you!” And I was like “HA! Jokes on you - I was basically purchased!”

Entrepreneurial spirit be damned - have you guys ever had BAD maple syrup? Like, low quality control maple syrup? No, you haven’t because these trade agencies exist. But as good as maple syrup can be, it can be very bad. Go to Canada and get some from a tiny producer who can’t be bothered to do things right or doesn’t

There are no facts, there is no such thing as a precise amount. This is how Trump can be both a billionaire and just a millionaire as well as hugely in debt.

700 jobs, and he “saved” them by offering a tax cut, basically free money to the corporation. A policy that can’t be replicated and that even some conservative’s admit is dangerous precedent.

First, he didn’t save anything... he had Pence force the Indiana taxpayers to subsidize those 800 jobs (which works out to about $9k per job), which is quadruple the incentive given to them last time (which led to hundreds of jobs being lost/automated anyway), simply because he didn’t want to look bad.

He, Johnson and Clinton probably used it for that purpose the most. Nixon and Truman probably never. Ford and his wife definitely. The Carters and Obamas probably once each.

Imagine if you had to do shit like this to buy a gun. Imagine if you had to run a gauntlet of people screaming at you and throwing bloody doll parts at you and telling you that you were a murderer every time you went in a gun shop. Imagine if you had to bury a ceremonial coffin at your expense for the theoretical

This is really really stupid, and terrible. A lot of fetal remains in miscarriages are so small we can’t even really find them in pathology, let alone cremate or bury them. And if pathology is done, the remains are in formaldehyde and kept for X days (Depends on protocol of the facility) and then you have the little

Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerberg is going to let you play their reindeer games.

Um. That was a quote from the movie. The movie Heathers. The movie that is being remade into a show that this article is about.

I think it was the white guy who said it in this story.

This post has given me shower nozzle masturbation material for months!

I feel like this is such a wholesome, good-natured wish. Place it on an Amazon list!

He has 2 big dicks.

Cool. They are all volunteers who risk themselves for seafarers, and Uber drivers.