
I’m mostly shocked that Melania can smile this wide (like physically because of all the plastic surgery but also I never seen her do more than forced grin).

It’s also cool how this film is kind of effortless in being a female superhero movie. It organically does what Endgame tried to engineer. Basically all the main and supporting characters with impac to the plot are female except for the main villain and M’Baku (playing a kind of an uncle supporting role there). And Ross

I really loved how the opening Marvel Studios graphics was all Chadwick Boseman. His death hangs heavy over it and it felt like the time to grieve was to short - like it needed at least the time WandaVision granted to Wanda. Maybe cut the parts with Ross (I like Martin Freeman and I get the need to touch upon all the

Babies can’t vote

I’m really excited about this. It looks like exactly the type of fantasy adventure that I’ve been missing - the others seem way too serious (not that I didn’t love them but so much incoming doom).

You mean Immortus?

He might be a post-credits cameo to tease F4 movie

I actually would want him to play against expectation and be an asshole. Some people were also mentioning possibility of him being Doom and that would be even better - a total opposite of Chidi basically.

It would probably make more sense if person healing him didn’t know how he looked or only seen like a bad portrait of him.

I mean magic can justify anything, right? And since the plots of the series have basically nothing to do with the books they can make ups whatever reason they want to make it happen. It’s not like they are bound to storyline or anything.

I’m pretty sure Tony and Pepper invited her to come to various hollidays. Maybe’ that’s why she’s so grumpy about it - without Tony it just doesn’t matter any more.

Also also this one is clearly inspired by Farscape season 4 Earth episodes (James Gunn is a fan and he admitted a lot of his version of Guardians are inspired by Farscape and also that’s why Ben Browder was in last movie). This whole Mantis and Drax on Earth for Christmas is pretty much Chiana and D’Argo on Earth.

I suppose Nebula has already experience it during the Blip with her many Earth friends (co-workers). From this I assume she didn’t like it.

Also Rocket and Nebula spent five years hanging with Earthlings so they are probably pretty familiar with Christmas. That probably explains why it’s Mantis and Drax who go to Earth to experience it. I don’t see Rocket and Nebula as ones willing to submit themselves to that often.

And thus the whole MCU and every actor in it got that much higher Bacon number

For a movie called Ant-Man and the Wasp this is a very Ant-Man trailer. Hope is barely in it.

I thought it was pretty well foreshadowed - his obsession with smithing (Aule’s Maia), the way he kept manipulating people to get what he wanted, the very first time we see him and he ditches those other people so only they would die. It really wasn’t a surprise. When the beginning of the episode suggested The Stranger

I really liked this episode. I like the whole show but this one really started tying it all together and with sprinkling of some Daredevil it was perfect. The show has always been about Jen wanting to stick to her normal life as a lawyer but being first unable to avoid her She-Hulk alter-ego and then slowly starting

I loved that moment so much. It was perfect.

And it was supposed to feel unsettling. The last two episodes main storylines (retreat and Daredevil) were about finding the balance between Jen and She-Hulk and Jen enjoying her life. She was happy, her life-was good but we knew the doom is coming and, because she so aware, so did she. Something bad was about to