
That’s very American. This is not a automatic transmission car. Generally, even if gears are stuck you can just press clutch to make the car start rolling down an incline.

No, she had on set accident and after what happened on Rust set and all the reports on productions skimping on safety I don’t begrudge her that. Especially, since it happened in August and she is still not good enough to shoot and it looks like she won’t be until next year and that means it was pretty serious.

I noticed that my body just automatically switches to the time change usually even week or two before it actually happens so I don’t mind at all but then I don’t have children or pets

That would make sense as Sersi used Tiamut’s own power to achieve that and as I understand would be pretty comics accurate. Still, it made me wish Celestial were closer to their more common comic book sizes as 600m tall one could just come out of the volcano without destroying the planet. Or they should just teleport

Of course no movie is for everyone. It just hit a lot of things I like about AI stories and standing up to gods with all the consequences of that (no good deed goes unpunished).

We saw that many of them did it over the years. They would visit Ajak and tell her stories of their adventures and stay for a while. But there certainly wasn’t enough Salma Hayek in the film and it would be nice to see more of what she was doing all this time and how it changed her. But just like Ikaris story it was ke

I assumed there are consequences we didn’t see. Like even that partial emergence of Tiamut must’ve cause massive aftershocks and tsnamis that would’ve devastated every land around Indian Ocean and possiblly even further. So the only explanation of the lack of devastating disasters I can think of is that Dr Strange and

I really liked Eternals. I liked all the Marvel films this year. Sure the big explosive end of Black Widow was kind of meh but all the family stuff was awesome and I loved every moment of it. And Shang-Chi was just so much fun and beautiful and touching and had both dragon and Wong doing karaoke and what more can one

Apparently, they only filmed it this year so there was also less time to polish the effects. I hope next time he’ll look better.

Yes inclusion of various people’s and cultures seemed effortless and even that WW analogue was representation of people with mental disorders and PTSD.

Yes, we get the explanation from two angles - religious - their god told them not to and - scientific - they are robots made to follow orders. The first might be against modern, western rules but for most of history and for most people going it was all the justification one needed. The other one is for those modern

I really liked the film. It’s beautiful and sad and a little hopeful. I liked how their view of humanity was as split as their view on what is the greater good and that those splits weren’t the same.

For me Pip was the only part of the movie that really took me out of it. He looked like a cartoon. Nicely rendered, 3D, CGI one but still a cartoon. The Irish leprechaun stereotyped look didn’t help.

Yes, they do. And check the ID. And I can access your comment now. I can't believe something actually got fixed here.

I can’t wait to see what happens to all of this with static electricity.

I don’t understand how they are not being hauled back to prison but I’m all for it.

I think they are Ice Giants or from Jotunheim or something like that.

Me too but for most people who haven’t watched her in anything before she was just another lackey in that story. Too forgettable to remember the face under the paint. They wouldn’t notice it’s the same actress if all the reviews didn’t keep mentioning it.

Yes, it made me wonder if it supposed to actually help fold spacetime not just foresee which space coordinates are safe

He apparently had much more scenes than we saw. Generally there was more shot like the dinner scene (there are some stills from it circulating) but then cut. I understand it as the film is long as it is (although I could’ve looked at it for those extra minutes easily) but I hope we’ll get to see it all eventually.