
Yes, I’ve always been partial to 12 Monkeys (the movie) type of time travel. It doesn’t violate causality and it always happened this way so there are no paradoxes. I know some people hate it because you can’t change the past but it’s always is about making the future better and that’s how success is measured.

The most popular reply to her initial tweet was this very appropriate meme:

Yes, I get that she is very religious and this a “religious leader” but I wish people didn’t treat someone’s lose rumblings about a subject they don’t know anything about it as gospel just because they are believe in the same things. The levels of misunderstanding what he talks about and the misinformation that guy

I always liked red but for a long time I was too pale for it. Wearing it would make me look like a corpse because it would bring blueish hues on my face. I don’t tan well and I don’t like to sunbathe but years of outdoors left me with more peachy complexion and now I finally look good in red.

Vanya is short for Ivan (Ivan+ya) so yes - a male name. Russian diminiutives almost always end with -a no matter whether original name is male or female so there are plenty of other cases when in English it’s used for both genders - see also Misha (basically Russian for Mike). Also Nikita is a male name.

Why? One he’s an actor he can pick if he still wants to play the character and if he does want to he should. And two Vanya is actually short of Ivan - a male name.

I’m grateful halo has saved him from dismemberment but I’m truly in awe at the fireproofing of his suit. That flame looked horrifying and he only walked away with minor burns on his most exposed parts - hands and feet. I get how he didn’t burst into flame but the fact that he didn’t get contact burs from his suit and

I feel like a big difference is that Saul actually knows law. Rudy doesn’t even know the terms.

I never cared for the Adam Driver objectification bit but I was glad we finally got to the pay off. It was finally pretty fun.

Yes, this is the curse that instantly came to my mind when I saw this post. As a person who lived through interesting times before all I can say is that I’m always grateful when they don’t include bombs falling on my head. There are people out there who are unlucky to live in way too interesting times.

The thing about PiS is that it’s a toxic combination of far right ideology and socialist economical policies. The nationalism and religion appeals to the conservative, church-going older people (especially women) and the disaffected young (mostly men).

The Covid infections have been basically doubling everyday for a couple of weeks now and have passed 20 000/day. This is really the first wave for Poland as there was only few infections during spring and summer. This is what the government is using as an excuse to pacify the protests. They violate the “state of

I liked the fact that we saw some of Christina motivations and empathise with them. That we got to understand the way her father damaged her and created someone so selfish. I too wish she could’ve learnt to be better and that she’d tried another first and chose them instead of immortality. I wish that car trip

I haven’t read the book so that’s nice to know. It plays well into my theory for the next season with William waking up. It’d also explain why Christina went to watch Lancaster die looking like him.

Yes, I had to rewind a watch them again to figure it all out. Without DVR that was hard to spot.

I’m just not sure Leti knows where too look. I think Ruby told her what part of town William’s house was but I don’t think she gave her the address. She may also think Christina just got rid of the body. She doesn’t know about the coma requirement.

They were used to make the potion for body change. This came from mixing the blood, hair and nails of the person shape one took and one using the new form. But to do that they had to be kept alive in coma. However, they don’t need to be anywhere close. Christina left both William and Ruby in Chicago so events in

Possibly, but all Christina ever says is that they are in coma. Also we don’t know how good the Invulnerability Spell is at healing. It seems you just have to not be fully dead. So this still might be enough.

We see both of those in the flashbacks of Christina’s life Ji-ah sees when she connects to her through her tail.