
I think the difference between Homelander and Stormfront is between old type of fascist natinalist - in Homelander’s case with the American exceptionalist bent - and the new alt-right racist - with the international Internet fanbase of the just right (read: white) people.

I love that final shot (also on top of your post) recreating one of the comic book covers. They did that in season one too.

Kimiko and her brother bonding and then finding their irreconcilable differences was so beautifully shown. Especially by Karen who doesn’t even speak. I also loved the look she gave Butcher.

I have so many questions about the circumstances of Becca and Ryan’s lives! I’m assuming that they are being held by Vought? Perhaps blackmailed in some way? Who is Dr. Park?

I really liked how they made sure we remember everything about The Seven and Vought Superheroes is fake. From the funeral being one big lie - that’s not how Trasluscent died, he is not in that coffin and Starlight certainly doesn’t meant this song - to Annie taking Starlight off - from breast pads to hair it’s all

I loved how from the first moment we see Leti being isolated from everyone. She’s died and feels she hasn’t all come back. And everything she does seems to be to feel like she belongs among the living again. She makes up with her sister or tries anyway. She throws parties. She finally has sex with Tic like she

Maybe. Or maybe she presented the scenarios as something she imagined and that she came to terms with what happened through that and was able to let go. After all it’s very rare to get a clean resolution in real life but fantasies are part of the human experience.

I think the room in those scenarios represents inside of Bella’s head. Her innermost part of self. This is why she had to end up with that rapist there in every scenario for the final confrontation. This is where she hides all the most important parts of herself but also all her biggest hurts stuffed under the bed.

Yes, the whole show is so perfect and this episode was amazing. All of it - from the little things like Arabella changing clothes after the first scenario so it seems like she’s lying about going to the bar to hide murder until we realise she repeats the talk with Ben - to getting a time loop episode in a non-sci-fi

No, Tic is descendant of Titus Braithwhite on his mother side. They say that a few times but if it wasn’t so then Montrose would be enough for the ritual and they wouldn’t need to use him as bait to get Tic there. And Montrose came there to research the ancestry of Tic’s mother Dee. 

I also noticed how when she confronts him in the bathroom stall he goes through all possible reactions - justification, minimising it, anger, threats, seduction, breakdown - while Bella basically passively watches. It made much more sense once I realised she was running possibilities in her head to see which one would

No problem. I was paying attention to Christina and how she changed depending whether her father was watching so what she has done became quickly obvious to me. But the review completely ignores that so I figured it wasn’t as obvious to everyone. Of course, that was certainly busy 24 hours for the heroes so it was

Once I realised that those were just fantasies I also realised it was Bella trying to find the perfect ending for her book. The resolution Zain was talking about. The way she fiddles with her notes and post-its after each one before we reset. We were watching her creative process.

I’m not sure why you think I think that Tic was on her plan. I said she used him as Trojan horse and that it was all her plan. He clearly didn’t understand what she meant until the ring started to release the black smoke spell. It was a game between Samuel and Christina and Tic was just a tool they used for their own

But they weren’t dead when Tic agreed to it. Samuel healed Letitia - Tic sees her revive through one of those peeping windows while they prepare him for the ceremony - and George has gunshot wound to the gut but he doesn’t die until they move him to the car. They reveal all this and that Samuel would get George

I wondered why George and Leti were so carefree in the opening but that was because only Tic remembered what happened at night. The first indication of his inheritance - the forgetting spell didn’t work on him. This was, as William said at the end of last episode, his home. But of course, any kind of good time came

Samuel Braithwhite (Tony Goldwyn)—son of Titus, father of Christina

I love Charles Stross’ Laundry series that tells the stories of junior bureaucrat named Bob in a world where higher maths is magic and can summon evil entities from beyond time and space. He’s working for secret government agency that is tasked with control of supernatural and stopping invasion of the Elder Ones once

I felt like they at least could’ve made joke of “What is blue and travels through space and time?” with Nebula.

The only female-centered relationship in the MCU that comes close to emulating the emotional resonance of those on S.H.I.E.L.D. is the one between Carol Danvers and Maria Rambeau in Captain Marvel