I think they forget the timescale also works against this. If there was an advanced civilization 5bn years ago it either regressed or ascended so long ago all their changes fell to dust long before we went multicellular.
I think they forget the timescale also works against this. If there was an advanced civilization 5bn years ago it either regressed or ascended so long ago all their changes fell to dust long before we went multicellular.
It's Dariusz Zawadzki.
I'd like to have one of those. It's both beautiful (I feel the need to touch it and it means I love it) and makes me feel uneasy (poor books) - all I want from art.
I understand why the lion is a tiger now but it makes the next books confusing.
I don't contest it was done this way but that doesn't make it any less creepy. The fact that something was done in the past/is a tradition doesn't make it good/right/not creepy. Especially in relationship secrets for now.
Swans are mean, foul birds. They will nip and hit you when you refuse to feed them and you stand no chance against them and they talons in water. From a boat you can at least use paddle to defend yourself. Hit hard.
You know you picked a picture where James is kissing the lake shapeshifting demon not Snow White, right?
I always found it funny that the best movie on the subject was a Lifetime movie. For once I watched with real interest as it dealt with things like how you live with a completely different body and how weird it is for everyone around you.
It's not brain transplant. It's whole body transplant. You are the brain. So you get new body. The donor is the whoever had the body before.
I'm surprised you didn't link to Sf author Peter Watts who documented his bout of necrotizing fasciitis on his blog from the first dot to through various healing stages to the final skin graft the way only biologist can - very detailed and with pictures. You could've illustrated almost every point of this article with…
It was still better then Alcatraz.
The cloned tortieshell or calico cats have ALL the genes their progenitor had. They have both X chromosomes and are genetically identical to the parent cat. Just one of those X chromosomes is inactivated. This however is true with every mammal female and is as true about human identical twin girls as cloned cats. They…
The Selection actually sound a lot like Joan D. Vinge's The Snow Queen
I was sure that Abigail also loved someone else from the way she acted when she was introduced to Charming. I was glad this episode proved me right. I was even more happy that she tuned to be more than spoiled princess. She's got spies and knight and she saves James. I think she's awesome. She certainly doesn't…
This is old. I remember printing out the text version to hang on our lab door 6 or 7 years ago and it was already old then.
I always wondered why English kept German names instead of turning them into Jack and Maggie. It'd be easier in so many ways.
So, I'm not the only one who thought about Pan's Labyrinth. I also thought the blind witch outfit was ridiculous and that she was supposed to be old but the rest of fairytale story was pretty interesting. I liked Gretel/Ava.
I can't stop thinking that it's something Walter Bishop totally would have done.
We all thee weird behaviour of Walternate I never though he was behind the shapeshifters - I thought he was one. So I really liked the twist of him being the good guy.