
The purpose definitely is not outrage or it would have been written in an inflammatory fashion. The purpose is to ask questions about the options we are presenting to children, and their parents. If you think kids aren’t being pressured on this issue, try having a non-gender-conforming kid.

I wouldn’t be outraged; giving teenaged girls hormones can have serious consequences, and the appropriate parallel is not about “denying” anyone anything, but asking that caution be taken before assuming this method is right for everyone.

I sympathize because the news every day is crazy. But the next step is easy: who else can I call to have a conversation about voting? Who needs help registering? Who just moved to an apartment, has a new student in college who might need to register, who needs help getting an absentee ballot?

It’s all about getting people to vote. If you’re already voting, organizing the people who aren’t doing it yet. Get the phone tree up and running, get the rides arranged, the child care. Help everyone who can’t easily get to the polls to send in an early ballot request and follow up to make sure it gets mailed in. If

Now playing

Beautiful photos! Would love to see a live performance someday, but they have many terrific short pieces up on youtube so you can see the huge range of creative output. This is brief and one of my favorites - it’s so strange and yet perfect! Have seen nothing like this:

It is flat false that all these people are entering the country illegally, and you know that but don’t value honesty at all. In addition, those who do enter illegally do not know their children are going to be taken from them, and the choice they thought they were facing was between the risk of death or violence, and

Vote all of them out in November, from the Senate to the local dogcatcher’s office. Every single Republican needs to go. Every one of them.

Right, people might plead guilty when charged with a crime if they’re promised to be released on time served and reunited with their children, rather than claiming asylum or pleading not-guilty with a longer and uncertain outcome. The children are leverage.

Exactly, the person who started this thing about foster kids didn’t provide any actual evidence that was true, probably because it’s not!

Why are you even assuming that this person is telling the truth? The linked article does not even support the claim that kids are landing in foster care and never being adopted by anyone else! This is a bogus narrative designed to make you think there are no other options for these kids, that it is proved they are not

First, things are in fact different and worse now, because not only is it a new and deliberate policy to charge incoming parents with crimes and separate them from their children in the process, but this is happening even when the parents arrive legally at a location where they claim asylum. Second, it’s wrong

The “low IQ” insult is Trump’s favorite for Maxine Waters and now Robert DeNiro, among others. (Speaking of which, I need a Netflix documentary about a political-commentary lunch with Maxine Waters and Robert DeNiro.) How nice to see his minion Roseanne picking up the lingo.

Maybe it was a “high IQ” person’s take on the damage wrought by patriarchy.

Right, this turns into a lawsuit that costs the taxpayers money, and meanwhile burglaries will continue as the actual criminals pass through undetected.

So they didn’t find any contraband in her car, and pulled out the A/C? Is that a normal part of vehicle searches that come up empty?

So you’re claiming that parents have “their reasons” and that the kids reap “no benefit”. The former is a tautology, assuming people act for reasons at all, and the latter is disputed by others. Meanwhile, I was asking why, in your writings on this topic above, you assume parents have bad motives in doing this, and

Right, you’re saying that everyone who posts pictures or information about their kids on social media is doing something wrong AND is doing it for selfish, bad reasons. I’m not even disagreeing with you that it’s a good idea to keep your kids and info about them off social media, but I grasp that other people aren’t

More importantly, on hearsay about it.

Yes, I usually judge the man based on hearsay judgment of the gradeschooler. Don’t we all.

Actually I pray to God his meeting goes well. I really don’t care if the success reflects well on him. Please don’t wreck this, that’s all.