
If we’re going to say “if we count Christina Aguilera and Cameron Diaz as Latina” should we ... actually let’s not. If we don’t know people’s self-identifiers, let’s try or mention that we don’t? I say that because even with the “diversity” ratings — many of the WOC included (with the exception of Kerry, Viola,

As someone who has also been in inter/multiracial relationships, I think that while you can forget, one never should. Your S.O.’s race as well as your own, is most likely a salient part of how they move through the world and their positionality.

I think it really depends on the “we.” While the term has its origins in theatrical lingo and refers originally to minstrelsy, it has come to mean other things. By drawing attention to yourself you are in fact taking part in theatrics — whether you find it hilarious or not.

#1 I don’t know if I could continue walking while knowing my nip was out. And #2, to her right, my pelvic area would be so uncomfortable with the way that suit is cutting