
You know what really grinds my gears? As usual, in this show about professional espionage agents, when a character asks another, "What are you doing?" the answer is never, "I can't tell you, it's classified." Why does there have to be any hackneyed, fake drama about seeeeeecreeeeets? This concept should have been

Well, based on the Shield profile that pops up on a screen in Winter Soldier, Captain America is Level 8, but Hand did say they weren't sure what he was up to.

I'm getting really sucked into Deadwood, and that show has a lot of power plays and characters of all alignments.

I'm getting really sucked into Deadwood, and that show has a lot of power plays and characters of all alignments.

There must always be a Stark in Winterfell…

There must always be a Stark in Winterfell…

If I could like this a hundred times I would.

If I could like this a hundred times I would.

Well, neither the "Practical Advice" nor the "Cause for Irrational Alarm" sections made a lick of sense to me in terms of aim or content. The movie names definitely give away what to expect, though.

I'm keeping apace with the show in book 2, as much as I can. I never seem to be able to resist the temptation of the Experts thread - I just like the books v show comparison too much, what with the book scenes being so fresh for me. They are pretty good at warning for books 4 and 5 spoilers, but it does seem like I'm

Actually, to me, it looked as if Robb was like "O haha" while basically staring a hole through that paper, as if to say, "No, seriously though". That was pretty funny to see, although I agree it didn't look like he followed up on that letter. I definitely have a bad feeling about this plotline.

Theon did mention that he was sending to his sister for reinforcements of her 500 men vs the Winterfell 200 that would arrive. I still have to wonder how well that would work out, between timing and the fact that the people of Winterfell probably have the advantage.

The Daynes have *maybe* been mentioned twice in passing at this point in the books. This show seems to hate flashbacks, so they really would've had to go out of their way to mention them.

As someone who's reading through the books at the rate of the show, I can tell you that, up to the point Jon sets her free, she doesn't say it yet. I know because I was waiting for it the whole time (though without balls to be blue).

@The Invisible Handjob - More like "The King gets shit on the face", in this episode.