
I once had a New Yorker tell me that New York was the most laid-back city in America. Because my friends and I had been deciding which city was more laid-back, L.A. or San Francisco. I mean, neither, sure, but not New York.

I’m so excited! After 2-and-a-half plankless years my shoulder is rehabilitated enough that I can (carefully) do planks again!

The line between “comic book” and “camp” is in the eye of the beholder.

I think that’s why they limited Ronan the Accuser’s time in GotG as much as they did - along with the helpfully limited color pallet and simple sets. Lee Pace could deliver every syllable of his lines with ringing sincerity and the scene didn’t get overloaded. Steppenwolf is wearing a funny hat and surrounded by fire

Yup- teeny tiny staph infections*. Now I lance them oh-so-gently and clean them with rubbing alcohol. Not fun, but keeps it from spreading.

Are your breakouts very clearly pimples or might it be folliculitis? I used to use a scrub on my face and then get lots of what I thought were tiny white pimples but it was actually a teeny infection of my hair follicles. (they make the *best* tiny popping sound, btw which is too bad because it is really, really bad

(Hello fellow person with sensitive skin!) I think you might be developing a sensitivity to tea tree oil- if there’s irritation you can see then there’s likely lots of irritation that small enough you can’t see it. It makes sense that in the dry winter you’d be more reactive because your protective barrier is in worse

I’ll grant the Jacob Battlestar Galactica recaps are a bit of a niche.

That is rough - they installed the foamers in the bathrooms at my office and the first soap they had smelled exactly like Deep Woods OFF. The stuff we get now is unscented thankfully.

If your junk has broken skin on it you have more serious problems. (But you should still wash your hands.)

If we abandon “the show” does that include anything that would be best descried as “the program”? Because I think things like episodes of NOVA and Nature are more programs than shows.

Obviously Tom did very well, but your MVP is who was doing the measuring!

Which, on the one hand makes sense, but on the other I really really want the law to treat someone who accidentally steals a baby and then drops the baby off someplace safe different from someone who intentionally steals a baby.

He had a chance to edit that! When I hear myself say “Okay, I mean, so like, first of all...” I’m embarrassed and wish I hadn’t. He left it in!

Thank you - this quote blew my mind.

This is great! I with have under-developed pain receptors or just a really high pain tolerance, so it was actually kind of hard for my parents to tell if I was hurt enough to need assistance or not. I didn’t want to go back inside after scraping my knee- I wanted to keep playing!

This is a fair point worth discussing.

I have a request in for one and they keep swearing I’m only 5th in line or so, but I swear someone keeps getting bumped ahead of me.

I am contractually required to answer this with: “Matches? We don’t need no stinkin’ matches!”

Or use a grill, or flambe anything...