Ellen O'Neill

Yes, I watched in on pay per view. Comparatively quiiet, excellent home front companion to the blockbuster.

I thought I understood the implications of IMAX70mm, but I was not prepared for the intensity of watching this film in that format. Two hours of watching men die, relentlessly, in myriad horrific ways. Very sobering. In the score, for me the exquisite touchstone isn't Vangelis, although Zimmer uses clicking/ticking

I agree that Kevin's repeated resurrections—which are extraordinary in anyone's story—were too big to be ignored in the service of a simple love story.

I love the lyricism and the complete experience of watching the 3 seasons, but didn't love the ending. Ultimately too much dabbling in ideas, not enough strength of any specific viewpoint. I'm in the camp that the multiple resurrections of Kevin are just too big to be ignored. Nora taking the symbolic beads/sins

The episode is entitled "Certified." Interesting how close to the word "Certifiable" that is.

That plot point, of Chase wanting to be captured, needing to be inside for some reason, is right out of Skyfall and the villain Silva, as is the set design. Although Silva was given a chair https://ewedit.files.wordpr…

Yes. As I said further down, I wonder what they are really after. It's all misdirection but they must get something they want or why bother. They don't take her money, but they drew blood.

Thanks. I always turn off the TV before upcoming scenes. I wish they didn't show them.

Why is everyone certain that Kevin doesn't burn the book? He is interrupted by the skywriting, looks up, and then we follow the dove/pigeon to Australia. Kevin could have dropped in the coals that next second. Did I miss something that confirms he didn't burn it?

The revealing Elvis songs: Ed signing "The Wonder of You" —his love for Madeline—and Nathan singing "How's the World Treating You" which I didn't know as well. It really reveals that Nathan is still hung up on Madeline (even though he left) and to sing these lyrics with Bonnie RIGHT THERE is pretty horrifying. Such

Surprised Jane freaks out/de-stresses to Dance This Mess Around. That's me & my generation's go to song, the original fans.

Still confused about the Ethan/werewolf timeline. Didn't he start killing people because he became a werewolf? Something I guess his father did not know? I don't know how they can do all the stuff between Ethan & his father without the werewolf thing as part of the equation. This isn't tracking for me.

Wow. Impressive piece. Fans might be interested to know that the event that Bochco references—

I like all of the character story lines except for Victor's. His obsession to bring Lily back to him is much too forced. I wish they would develop something less strained for him.

The last scene had a slight echo of Paddy Chayefsky's classic "Marty." “Angie: What do you wanna do tonight? Marty: I dunno, Angie. What do you wanna do?” Probably not intentional.

I'm a fan too, and like some of the theology. But one thing confuses me a lot. It's cute for Lucifer to often reference "Dad," but angels, fallen or otherwise, are not children of God, except in the very broadest sense. I"m not getting into a belief thing here, just an understanding of the general underlying story:

Good line from Axe when Chuck walks in at the end: "I thought your kind had to be invited in order to enter."

Doesn't Sherlock mention that Mycroft has "web toes" in some exchange about half-sis also being Mycroft's lover, and Joan says "he has web toes?" Was Sherlock being funny? Did Mycroft always wear socks when he was with Joan? I am confused.

Gwen, I enjoy your writing.

Yup. Walking to work this morning i played that whole "Be careful of Tilapia. There is no fish called Tilapia" scene in my head and literally started laughing out loud on 6th Avenue.