If you are an atheist and you take it upon yourself to defend the good name of Islam, you need to be ashamed of yourself.
If you are an atheist and you take it upon yourself to defend the good name of Islam, you need to be ashamed of yourself.
Aisha's age has been relied upon in Islamic law for 1400 years. That much is true.
Do you think atheists claim to know how everything came to be? If you've ever heard someone claim so, I'd like to know what he or she said. From what I see, agnosticism is not about not claiming to know everything about the universe, it's saying it's about a 50-50 chance there's a god, so there's no real way to come…
Sweetheart, the Hadith is as acceptable as a source of law in Islam as the Koran is. This is what sharia is based on. This is what Muslims base their laws upon, not because I say so, but because it's been part of the legal tradition for 1400 years. That is why child marriage has been legal for 1400 years in Islamic…
No, dear. Atheists are not an organized group. There is no way to join. We don't meet every week to sing songs together about how great we are, we don't knock on your doors looking for new members, we don't ask for money, we don't send death threats over cartoons or movies, we don't try to pass laws to force our views…
That's my original question. You claim there is no way to know for sure that Zeus, Thor, Baal, and Vishnu don't all exist? You think there is even probability on every single god that humans have ever believed in? There's just no way to know for sure?
Oh, sure they are.
I would chalk that up to cowardice, no?
Yeah, I force people to answer questions by leading them on. They're not responsible for what they say.
Yeah, I can force people to say things against their will. I just lead them on.
No, you are racist against religious people. You're racist against Muslims. STOP BEING RACIST.
Well, all I did was ask questions, I don't think that's smug. And then I answered a questions somebody asked me, I don't think that's smug either.
I answer your question and provide irrefutable proof of her recorded age, which proves that Muhammad raped a 9 year old, and you can only respond by calling somebody a troll.
Stop lying to yourself. Her age is extensively recorded in Hadith Bukhari and Hadith Muslim, the two most reliable hadith there are, and it's backed up by the Koran.
Well, usually when I ask agnostics why they call themselves agnostics, it comes down to the fact that they're afraid of the word "atheist." They recognize the fact that there is no evidence for the supernatural, which is what atheism is, but they're afraid of criticism. So when I ask, do you really NOT KNOW if there's…
Stop being racist against Muslims! You've probably never even met one really, that would change everything in the Koran and Hadith. Go out and meet one.
You think I haven't read that load of garbage by that idiot before?
I think somebody finally picked up on my point, after heavy use of sarcasm!
You admit racism is not the correct term, because Islam has nothing to do with race. Then you try "prejudice" as the next best thing, because you try to avoid facing facts. Prejudice involves prejudging, dear. I'm not prejudging when I state that Muhammad raped a 9 year old when he was 54, and that is repugnant. That…
Yes, it's a big problem. Many people in the US are racist against Muslims and atheists! Didn't you read the article?