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    Arrogant fuck!

    Who is Simon West?

    I'm guessing you were trying to say that he was felled by his belief in his invulnerability as opposed to his "inevitability".

    I love Beymer and Wood, but to be honest, I fell in love with them and West Side Story when I was about 8, so that may color my perception a bit.

    Favorite line: "I and Velma ain't dumb." — Graziella

    I follow Doctor Who, American Horror Story, Once Upon a Time, and Walking Dead here as well, and this happens all the time. The first episode of Doctor Who got a solid A, and by the end of the season it was being called the worst of all the episodes, so other episodes that were given a B are considered better than

    There is commonly a strange disconnect between the content of AV Club reviews and the grade given. This is the highest grade I've seen for this series, yet the content of the review is more critical than ever. I don't get it.

    I remember a scene between Daryl and Merle in which Daryl confronted him about leaving him alone with their abusive father. Merle was shocked to learn that their father abused Daryl as well. I think that occurred around the time Daryl was trying to get the group to allow Merle in at the prison. I don't think Merle

    He seems asexual to me—like a child.

    The bullet holes don't indicate there was a crime. People probably used it for target practice. Every old abandoned vehicle I have ever seen was riddled with bullet holes. I've seen a few. More importantly, Corrosivepress is pointing out that the townsfolk would know that it's a crime scene, not the fact that the

    If only he would take his meds.

    Thanks. Never heard of it.

    Now nobody does laundry.

    A lot of people in this thread are calling him that. Why?