
“funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”

But where are the clear examples of her entitlement, cluelessness about the non-rich (which she used to be) and non-feminism? This woman made her own way up the ladder, and the amount of hate she gets from other women who have not enjoyed her level of success (most PEOPLE have not enjoyed her level of success) seems

Feels at times like Sandberg gets some unwarranted hate. She herself wasn’t a trust fund baby; she has a middle class background. I get that she is now one of the untouchable .0001% and thus may seem a bit out of touch with the “common woman” at times, but she didn’t start out that way.

Don’t tell Jack Lew.
Or Timothy Geithner.
Or Henry Paulson.

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

He’s the worst, right?


lol “climate change”? more like a violent “bear culture” that glamorizes the killing of dogs and sleeping underneath windows. if there isnt food, why dont these bears just move? just not near me

3 months is the perfect amount of time to determine if you want to move forward in the relationship.

Victorville? STORY CHECKS OUT.

We all know white people don’t see color.

But, she like it rough yo! So insane that the cops would believe that the girl wanted to be punched around rather than believing this asshole is a rapist.

I hope this true but I won’t be surprised if he’s back to moderating a subreddit in a few years

It's kind of sad how people can't see how they are intertwined.

Also sports still exist in monarchies and autocracies...

That man was macheteing people in the supermarket, but I’m not a Doctor, and didn’t want to assume a diagnosis! ;)

You do not get it.

He also kept a copy of Hitler speeches (“My New Order”) next to his bed. Combine this with his charisma and psychopathic tenancies and it’s a recipe for disaster....early 194o’s-style disaster. He already has a clear head start on blaming religions and ethnic groups....

I’ve seen a lot of folks express disapproval of laypeople offering their diagnosis of Trump, but I believe it’s a necessary thing to do, to point out the degree of wrongness we detect in the man reaches levels your typical, wildly unpleasant candidate simply doesn’t come close to. It is essential to be respectful, of

I’m not a Proctologist, but I know a fuckin asshole when I see one.