Probably because we’re all discovering it at different times.
Probably because we’re all discovering it at different times.
Book, singular? Wasn't this a series? The one I remember is when Big Anthony fired up the pasta pot and things got out of hand. Had Big Anthony gone with the Come Fuck Me Penne, that book might have ended much differently.
why were you hard in the first place?
i wasn’t talking to you
A pretty good way to get a dude to fuck u is to be like “Yo dude, you wanna fuck or what?”
He’s not going to go out and meet other girls while he’s cleansing. That would just be weird.
There’s absolutely no call for comments like this. I edit my work—we all do—but the night moves quickly and sometimes there are slip-ups. Please use this space to engage kindly and thoughtfully.
So let’s review: for-profit prison companies contribute millions to election campaigns; those office holders pass more laws, (more laws->more offenses->more convictions->more inmates), federal government pays private prisons to house the inmates, who in turn manufacture goods for government contracts.
If people walked for almost killing the entire global economy, what makes you think they really care about soldiers?
“We fight for your freedom”-the highest prison population in the world the u.s
Yeah, I’m pretty certain it’s not the inmate part of the story that’s the problem...
If there’s anyone who gives a shit about quality control in regards to equipment meant to protect soldiers, it’s definitely gonna be inmates right? /sargasm
Or blaming sex for rape, its an issue of consent.
capitalism , money, enrichment, seems like a good track. This is the same government that destroyed Iraq for mass destruction weapons, unfound
Gotta save money, gotta cut taxes. Isn’t that the most important thing in the world?
I say that if pursuing this calling helps her feel better, then we leave her be. She’s not likely to convince anyone of anything, nor harm anyone else.
Slave labor is awesome?
What was done to her was beyond unforgivable. But it wasn’t the porn’s fault; it was solely the fault of the evil waste of life who abducted her. Blaming porn is like blaming video games for Columbine.
The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.
They’d check how much of it was bound to her receptors, screen her for known mutations in those same receptors, weigh the hoarseness of her voice, rate the development of her pubic hair and breasts, evaluate her muscles, size her labia, palpate her vagina, and measure her anogenital distance. In other words, they’d…