
Are you Syrias?

This is some good truthering. Goddamn Trebek, playing fast and loose with the answers.

Chemistry teacher here. I find one of the major problems is that my job quality rating is tied to how my students do on the state assessment. I’d love to take the time to explore concepts in depth using a variety of engaging inquiry-based methods, but that takes a fuck-ton of time, and the curriculum is packed as

Try bending your arms, they look a little stiff in this photo.

I really liked my first chemistry teacher. She had a reputation for being terrifying, but all that really meant was the she was demanding. She set her expectations of us very high, and pushed us to meet them, which was a very welcome break from the more typical go slow enough for everyone to keep up mode most classes

Ph.D. chemist here. Chemistry can be a fascinating topic or the worst class you will ever take, depending on how it is taught. I HATED my first chemistry class. The teacher was boring and didn’t understand what he was teaching. The next class I took had a great teacher who did awesome demonstrations and taught me not

Good point.

People are still paying money to see Mike Epps tell jokes? The one and only time I saw him, he was still doing Day-Day from Next Friday skits. I figured that was because that was the only period in his career when people found him funny.

Selling medicinal pot in Phoenix...ladies.

I can’t see what you did there.

What about Val Venis?

2017, when the Hardys, Goldberg, and Jericho hold titles. What a time to be alive.

Ten year old me just creamed.

Why? Are the Dudleys coming, too?

This is the least corrupt league Gronk has ever participated in.

Wrestlemania 33 is just a warm-up for Gronk.

Automation is good, we should not be trying to stop it, just need to make sure we all share in benefiting from what it produces.

I kept waiting for a punchline.