It’ll be the best impeachment ever. Really top shelf, with the most eloquent speakers, the best prosecutors, terrific articles. I can’t wait to see what Ivanka will wear.
It’ll be the best impeachment ever. Really top shelf, with the most eloquent speakers, the best prosecutors, terrific articles. I can’t wait to see what Ivanka will wear.
Stories about people standing up for themselves/others and being punished for it depress me more than anything else.
Okay, its one thing for a crazy lone gunman to idolize the Punisher, but how disturbing is it that Blue Lives Matter does? The guy’s whole M.O. is that the cops can’t solve the crime problem on their own, so the Punisher is there to murder people because the cops aren’t enough.
I have a past that involves serving short stints in York female prison located in CT. And many of the repeat offenders are from the tri-state area(including the NYC area). Based of chats with other inmates, “guard on female inmate” sex assault occurs in all prisons.
MACRON: How is it that your clothes fit so impeccably? You must tell me!
Just adding my 0.02 before reading the whole article...
Racist white men are the most fragile, scared and sensitive people in the country, which I think has a lot to do with these fits and power trips.
Melissa is GOLD!!!!! It’s going to be glorious. Make SNL Great Again!!!!
Every day I thank God I wasn’t born American.
The US has a long, sordid history of “rugged individualism” that is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.
The fact that we’re actually having (and apparently, are somehow losing) a debate about whether all children deserve healthcare is a sign how completely broken a society we are.
Can someone explain to me why this is bad? (I’m not from USA, and I don’t understand why “Health Care for all Children” is bad?)
The fact that he still refers to the ban as “the ban” is really not going to help his case in court, is it?
Well, there’s also this difference: Patients Cared For By Female Doctors Fare Better Than Those Treated By Men
Why should these cuts make any more mathematical sense than the proposed government budget I mean both a being run by out of touch CEO’s who will be fine economically regardless of the outcome of the company/nation they are running.
and a fistful of acclaimed drug films helping secure its place among the major substances of the decade.
Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News Please air this on Fox News
Disappointingly Diplomatic Obama is the only Obama there’s ever been. I like the guy and he was a decent prez I voted for twice, but Jesus CHRIST I am disappointed with how he spent so much time trying to appease people who hated his guts by selling out supposed liberal positions before negotiations even started.
The existence of Obama, a highly successful President and fundamentally decent human being, is a criticism of Donald. I hope he directly addresses Cheeto Jesus at some point, but just continuing to inspire us is huge.